Easter Devotional | 2021 - Day 13

Breaking the Bonds of Betrayal

By Barry Ford

“And while He was still speaking, behold, Judas, one of the twelve, came accompanied by a large crowd with swords and clubs, who came from the chief priests and elders of the people.”

Matthew 26:47

Whether from a trusted friend, a parent, a sweetheart, a business partner, or even a spouse, there is perhaps no greater insult to our human relationships than betrayal. When someone close to us proves themselves to be untrustworthy, our emotions are shattered and we are robbed of a sense of security.

Jesus was no stranger to betrayal. The story of His betrayal is described in Matthew 26:46-47 and in Mark 14:43-50. Both gospels share the story of the night Judas, a man Jesus had allowed into His most sacred and trusted inner circle, betrayed Him with a kiss of greeting and turned Him over to be crucified for a mere thirty pieces of silver.

Betrayal robs our inner security through the breaking of trust. After being betrayed, trusting again seems nearly impossible. Thankfully, God’s word does not leave us void of guidance and counsel on how to deal with betrayal and learn to trust again.

In Romans 12:14, the Apostle Paul writes, “Bless those who persecute you; bless and curse not.” And in Romans 12:20-21, Paul writes, “When your enemy’s hungry, feed him. When your enemy’s thirsty, give him a drink. Don’t be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

In these verses, Paul instructs us to pray for the person(s) who hurt us and to choose to forgive them, to do the very things that are most counter to our feelings, emotions, and desires! The process of forgiving a betrayer is not easy and is not necessarily intended to be. It may require significant amounts of prayer, counsel, and time.

Forgiving a betrayer does not mean ignoring or denying what happened to us. It means acknowledging that only God is truly trustworthy. We tell Him our pain and allow Him to handle those who would hurt us. Only by giving our pain to God can we truly overcome the heartache of betrayal!

Key Passage

Write on a notecard those three examples of how God has shown you that He is truly trustworthy. Post the notecard in a place where you can see it every day. Each time you read the notecard from Question 2, thank God that He is truly trustworthy, asking Him to help you begin the process of forgiving your betrayer.

Questions for Thought

  1. Read Matthew 26:33-35. How did Jesus respond to Peter when he denied Him the night He was arrested?
  2. What are three examples of how God has shown you that He is truly trustworthy?

Author Bio

Barry Ford

Barry is passionate about helping couples in all seasons of life have extraordinary marriages, healthy families, and Christ-like homes. Barry and his wife, Ellen, are the proud parents of twins.