Christmas Devotional | 2019 - Day 6
“Go Tell it on the Mountain”
By Nate Curtis

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:1-20
Red apple pencil. Red apple pencil.” The three words my brother repeated to me over and over before the doctor came back in my room for my memory test. The doctor walked in and asked me, “Now Nate, what were those three little words I asked you to remember earlier?”
“I umm….love you?” I replied in complete confusion. I had lost all short-term memory after suffering a concussion from falling while skiing down a mountain in Colorado.
All is healed now (hopefully), but I always think of that experience from a decade ago every time I hear the song, “Go Tell it on the Mountain.” This is one of my favorite songs to sing during this special time of the year as it serves as an excellent reminder to share the good news of Jesus to everyone everywhere.
As the Minister of Communications and Broadcast, I can report to you that we ARE doing this, church! First Baptist Dallas has a longstanding commitment to boldly broadcasting the gospel, and never before in our history have the broadcasts had the incredible reach that they do today. People all around the world are seeing and hearing the wonderful services and truths originating from right here in downtown Dallas every Sunday. The truth of God’s Word is being shared “on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere” through Pathway to Victory and the First Dallas iCampus.
Our broadcast ministry is excellent air support for our work on the ground to make disciples. As Dr. Jeffress reminds the church often, “The reason God has left you and me here on earth after our salvation is to win as many people to faith in Jesus Christ as possible before He returns.”
“Go make disciples. Go make disciples.” I pray those are three words we never forget as, together, we work to fulfill theGreat Commission during the time we have left.
Author Bio
Nate Curtis
Minister of Communications & Broadcast
Nate is a natural fit to lead our broadcast and communications ministries because he believes media is a powerful, efficient way to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to the entire world. When he’s not spending time with his wife, Lindsey, he’s likely on the golf course or pursuing his other hobby, photography.