Easter Devotional | 2019 - Day 8
I Surrender
By Kyle Wilson

“I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”Galatians 2:20
Can I admit something to you? I’m a bit of a control-freak. It’s not that I have to know everything in every situation; it’s just that I need to know who is involved, what they’re bringing to it, what’s going to happen, how I can make sure it all works out in the best way possible . . . Well, you get the idea. Sometimes I get so trapped in my head—thinking and rethinking through every little detail of my life—that I miss out on what’s in front of me. Maybe you can relate.
But Jesus didn’t die on the cross and rise again, for me to live in management over my obsessiveness. He died and rose again that I might live in freedom. Freedom from my desire to control things. Freedom from my tendencies toward self-perceived perfection. Freedom from my bent toward trying to please everyone in my life. And as I began to work through these truths, I found the common denominator in every issue that has kept me from freedom in my past: me. My focus remained on how I could do better, how I could change myself, how I could attain the freedom that Christ offered. The truth is, it was never mine to take for myself—it is only Christ’s to give.
So, what’s the best way of moving away from the “me” mentality? Dying to self seems like a pretty great place to start. Paul told the church in Galatia that his identity was now hidden behind the cross of Christ. There was no more Paul, only Christ. Paul’s ability to surrender himself to the life Christ would live through him gave him the freedom to be bold, be loving, and be more than himself. I don’t know about you, but I want that in my life.
So, because Jesus died on the cross and rose from the grave, because He lives, I make the active decision to surrender. I surrender my self-obsession. I surrender my personality. I surrender my bias. I surrender my time. I surrender my thoughts. I surrender my pet sins that I like to sweep under the rug. I surrender what it means to be me—because the freedom of Christ is the best way to live.
Questions for Thought
- What do you tend to obsess over in your life? How can you crucify that with Christ?
- What is the one thing that you don’t want to surrender? Is it causing you to miss out on experiencing true freedom in Christ?
Daily Challenge
Spend time this week mind-mapping your thoughts. Write down common themes and ideas that reoccur throughout your day. Ask yourself why these specific ideas are at the forefront of your mind and what the Holy Spirit might be trying to teach you.Author Bio
Kyle Wilson
Kyle is passionate about college students, feeling that their transition into independent, young adults is the most pivotal change in their lives. He believes college ministry should be a place for Christ-centered community in a relaxed, fun environment. Kyle is married to his wife, Holly, whom he met at DBU.