In God’s Word

By First Dallas Staff

How can we be rooted in Christ, especially when it feels like the world around us is chaotic?

How do we stand firm in faith, hopeful and at peace? Scripture holds the keys to life and godliness, and it is our tool to remain rooted to our Savior, no matter what is happening around us. Colossians 2:7 says, “Having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude.”

Being rooted helps our faith to be established and grow and allows us to have hearts that overflow with gratitude. That’s how we combat uncertainty. That’s how we combat suffering. We stay rooted to the Vine. We grow in our Savior. And we practice gratitude.

We are excited to share 20 days of devotionals based on some of our favorite verses in Scripture. These verses have changed our lives, our hearts, and our minds. And we hope they impact you, too. We hope your roots will reach deep as we live for Christ in an uncertain and chaotic culture.
