Christmas Devotional | 2019 - Day 22
“We Three Kings”
By Kariss Lynch

“When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. After coming into the house they saw the Child with Mary His mother, and they fell to the ground and worshipped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they presented to Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”
Matthew 2:10-11
Night gets a bad reputation. It is darkness literally and metaphorically. It is associated with more sinister crime, with things hidden, and scary things unseen.
And yet, it is my favorite time of day. I’m a writer and dreamer by nature, so when the sun begins to set, I get excited. Night has always been my time to dream with the Lord.
I love that God used a star to guide the wise men. I imagine, much like the pillar of fire by night and pillar of cloud by day in the Old Testament, the star was probably visible and guiding at all times. But I love the idea that a star shines best at night, in darkness.
I love even more that this particular star pointed to Jesus. These men saw it, followed it, and fell at the feet of a King.
Think about it. Men who did not belong to the Jewish people followed a star to meet a baby who was supposedly God and would save all mankind. Not one part of that sounds logical. Yet these men believed enough to chase a star.
Their beliefs influenced their gifts. They didn’t take gifts befitting a child of Jesus’ social status. They brought gifts for royalty. Gifts indicative of the life and death Jesus would experience. They didn’t hedge their bets. These men came prepared. They came expectant that they would find someone worth far more than the gifts they carried.
These wise men, as we call them, weren’t quite what we picture or represent on a nativity. But we should and must mimic their actions. We have to be willing to follow where Jesus leads, knowing He is in the journey and knowing He waits for us at the end. Over “field and fountain, moor and mountain,” may we, like these men, follow our Guide and the One who fashioned each star.
In darkness, they followed one thing. They followed light. They followed hope. And they found the King. Then they bowed down and worshipped. May we follow their journey this Christmas season, and may we kneel at His feet.
Author Bio
Kariss Lynch
Director of Content
Kariss serves on staff creating content and writing for the church. She believes that powerful stories can change lives for the Kingdom and loves helping people share their testimonies of grace. She is the author of four books and the proud aunt of two handsome nephews and one beautiful niece.