Women's Devotional | Letters to the Generations - Day 9

Letter from a Grandmother

By Regina Casaday

“For I am mindful of the sincere faith within you, which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am sure that it is in you as well.” ~ 2 Timothy 1:5

My Dearest Granddaughters,

I want you girls to understand and always remember that I love you and am very proud of you. You are all at different stages of growth in your lives—children, youth, young women, mothers, and wives. You have careers, and someday, you may become a grandmother like me. I have enjoyed all the stages of my life, but being a wife, mother, and grandmother have been my favorite roles. In my lifetime, I have learned many lessons, some easier than others, but I would like to pass a few thoughts on to you. 

Without talking about my mother, it would be hard to talk about things I have learned, especially where Christ is concerned. She always prayed for me, believed in me—even when I made mistakes and wrong choices—encouraged me, and gave me confidence. Most importantly, she shared her faith in God with me and lived her life of faith every day. My mother set such a Christian example for me and others. She was my best friend until she could no longer truly communicate with me. We had a special bond of love and trust; that bond helped me develop a life of faith like she had exhibited throughout my life, in good times and bad. Thanks to her example and teaching, I came to know Jesus as my Lord and Savior when I was seven years old; He has been by my side ever since.

One of the greatest lessons my mother taught me was that it would take work to be a believer. Jesus told us that in His word. Putting all our faith, hope, and trust in God can be tough, especially when everything around us goes wrong. Life brings trials. But the good news is when we face trials, and our faith is tested, we are strengthened, and our faith gets stronger. One of my life trials was when I was a single mom, but my faith was strengthened throughout that time. When money was tight and bills needed to be paid, so many times, God provided the exact amount I would need. My faith and trust in Him helped me get through those times, even though it was difficult, and I would sometimes get very upset. God responds to us and answers prayers on His timetable, not ours. During those years, I would get lonely and had prayed for years that God would send someone to me that I could share my life with. In His time, He brought my husband into my life. I had two opportunities to marry someone else. If I had not waited on God, look at all I would have missed.

God wants us to have faith and depend on Him. He does not reveal Himself to us because if we saw everything with our eyes, where would faith come in? Whether we realize it or not, God is taking care of us. Faith, hope, and trust in God will make your life so much better in every way. Remember that does not mean there will not be troubles; it just means God will help us through anything that comes our way.

Mothers and grandmothers can have a significant influence on developing a child’s faith. My mother was my greatest example of living faith; I only hope your mom is the same. Paul shared this with Timothy. “For I am mindful of the sincere faith within you, which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am sure that it is in you as well” (2 Timothy 1:5). My greatest prayer is that each one of you knows Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior without any doubts and that your faith in Him grows throughout your lives. And that if or when you become mothers, you will be the example of faith that will help your children grow deep in theirs.

I love you with all my heart, Memaw

Questions for Thought

  1. Do you talk about your faith with your mothers, daughters, grandmothers, and granddaughters? Do you talk with them about theirs?
  2. How do you react in the midst of trials and tribulations? Can others see your faith in those times?

Daily Challenge

Think about some of the worst times you have experienced in your life. Share it with your mother, grandmother, children, or grandchildren, and tell them how God helped you through it.

Author Bio

Regina Casaday

Regina Casaday is a wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. She is a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Regina is a member of First Baptist Dallas, active in the Women’s Bible Study on the Connections Team, part of the Top Tier Team for Heartstrong Women’s Conference as the Prayer Team Lead, and a part of the Women of Prayer. A graduate of Dallas Baptist University, she now volunteers with the Women’s Auxiliary Board.

Regina is a retired teacher, elementary principal, and former church pianist who teaches private piano. She loves to spend time with family and travel with her husband and their seven-pound fur baby, Millie.