Adult 3 | Breakfast Taco Sunday
Adult 3 | Breakfast Taco Sunday
Who needs Taco Tuesday when you can look forward to tacos on Sunday? Join us for breakfast tacos and fellowship on Sunday,...
First Baptist Church Dallas
1707 San Jacinto
Dallas, TX 75201
(214) 969-0111
Choir & Orchestra Led Worship
9:15 & 11am | Worship Center
Band-Led Worship
11am | Wicker Gym
Who needs Taco Tuesday when you can look forward to tacos on Sunday? Join us for breakfast tacos and fellowship on Sunday,...
Who needs Taco Tuesday when you can look forward to tacos on Sunday? Join us for breakfast tacos and fellowship on Sunday,...
Join us on Sunday, October 1 as we worship with the renowned singer-songwriter, Benjamin William Hastings, known for worship favorites like, "So...
The Stewardship Ministry is hosting a unique educational opportunity that discusses “Financial Milestones in Your 60s” with Mark Lovvorn, Roddy Cummins, and...
Invite friends for a Sunday of bluegrass worship in the Band-Led Service!
Parents—join us on Sunday, October 29 at 12:30pm in the Wicker Gym to learn all about our Mission Houston trip in January.