Mission 1:8 WIN NOW,
Mission 1:8 WIN NOW – Debt Reduction
By First Dallas Staff
Watch this video below from our Executive Pastor, Ben Lovvorn, about a special announcement regarding our debt.
Since 2006, First Baptist Dallas has been in expansion mode to bring our campus up to a world-class level of excellence for Worship, Sunday School, and fellowship.
This has included three major initiatives: the Criswell Center in 2006 ($55 million), the New Campus in 2012–13 ($135 million), and the Horner Family Center Expansion in 2021 ($35 million). Through your bold vision, together we have invested $225 million into our church over the last 16 years!
Because of your faithfulness to give and give generously, we have paid off the New Campus and the Horner Family Center Expansion. We only had a balance of $8.7 million remaining on the Criswell Center.
Until today. We are excited to announce to you that we are making a principal payment of $5 million. This leaves First Dallas with a net debt of only $3,712,108!
We are now positioned to view our debt as a strategic financial instrument, and we have a plan in place for servicing this remaining debt over the next few years. This means that we are freed up to invest our resources completely into the crucial ministry God has for us to do right now. That is what Mission 1:8 WIN NOW is all about—taking the incredible opportunities that God has given to First Baptist Dallas and winning as many people to Christ as we possibly can!
So please make plans to join us on Sunday, December 11, for Commitment Sunday, where together we will offer our commitments for the next two years of ministry to the Lord. The time to win is NOW!
To learn more about Mission 1:8 WIN NOW visit, firstdallas.org/win.