Mission 1:8 WIN NOW,
Mission 1:8 WIN NOW | iCampus Kids Q&A with Shelly Taylor, Teresa Taylor, and Ashley Gross
By First Dallas Staff

Executive Pastor, Ben Lovvorn, sits down with the Director of Preschool and Children’s Ministries, Shelly Taylor, the Director of Preschool Ministry, Teresa Taylor, and the Director of Preteens, Ashley Gross, to discuss how Mission 1:8 WIN NOW directly impacts iCampus Kids!
iCampus Kids takes the excellence of our Children’s Ministry to the world through weekly 30-minute episodes. We are reaching families across the globe, including in Orbit Village near Nairobi, Kenya, who can participate in worship and learn Bible lessons with us.
Mission 1:8 WIN NOW will keep our media ministry vibrant for the next decade, providing the technology now necessary to further our worldwide outreach across all platforms. We will be working to:
Produce online discipleship videos, host in-person gatherings with online viewers, and increase content creation for iCampus Kids.
We value your membership in Christ’s body and the vital role you play here financially. Help us win as many people as possible as quickly as possible for Jesus Christ. Bring your commitment on Sunday, December 11, for Commitment Sunday, where we will offer our two-year pledges to the Lord.
“Run in such a way that you may win…” (1 Corinthians 9:24).
To learn more about Mission 1:8 WIN NOW visit, firstdallas.org/win.