It’s a tough time to be a leader. Our convictions and our commitments are being tested.
But it would be a mistake to underestimate the church of Jesus Christ. Christ promised He would build His church, and even the gates of hell would not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18). And through the church, through the spiritual formation that happens when she thrives, God can send His people out to renew and reshape every domain in our culture. Into a hostile world, God is calling faithful Christian leaders both to serve within His body and to accomplish His work in the world. This is a high calling and weighty responsibility.
In order that we may faithfully take on this demanding task, we as Christ’s servants must adopt a new set of disciplines, a set of practices that can elevate them beyond the ordinary to the extraordinary. We must adopt the five essential practices for high-performance Christian leaders.
Through this seven-part series, Executive Pastor, Dr. Ben Lovvorn, will encourage you in your ministry, equipping you to be a faithful and successful Christian leader. Let’s get started!