Disciples making disciples.

Watch the video below to learn about D-Groups from Associate Minister of Education, Sean Beach!

What’s a D-Group?

A D-Group is a gender-specific, closed group of 3–5 believers who meet weekly for a nine-month season of accelerated spiritual growth. Throughout the nine months, D-Groups will study the Bible as well as encourage and sharpen one another through fellowship, Bible study, Scripture memory, accountability, and prayer. At the end of the D-Group, each member will then find their own 3–5 believers and lead a new D-Group.

Want to lead a D-Group? Register your group below!


“Go, therefore, and MAKE DISCIPLES of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to follow all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
–Matthew 28:19–20


Watch the video below to learn all about starting a D-Group and the D-Group resources from Associate Minister of Education, Sean Beach.

View the resources below for everything you need to know about D-Groups.


The D-Group Overview is a one-page document that will introduce you to D-Groups and lay out expectations, commitments, and rhythms.


Starter Guide

Given after registration.

The D-Group Starter Guide is a booklet that contains everything you need to know to start a new D-Group.  It walks through how to form and register a D-Group, the weekly rhythms of a D-Group, H.E.A.R. journals, Scripture memory, your one, accountability, and the First Dallas D-Group Bible reading plan.

Bible Reading Plan

The D-Group Bible Reading Plan is a quick resource to keep in your Bible or wherever you do your Bible reading. It serves as a quick reference for what your group is to read each week before you come together to discuss that week’s H.E.A.R. journals. The D-Group Bible Reading Plan also includes the memory verses for each week.


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