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How Can I Know?
You’re not alone in your questions about faith and truth. Join Dr. Robert Jeffress at First Baptist Dallas beginning Sunday, September 15, for his new sermon series, How Can I Know, and learn the credible and compelling truth about seven of the most consequential concerns about Christianity.
Pathway to Victory
Pathway to Victory serves as the broadcast ministry of Dr. Robert Jeffress and First Baptist Dallas through the most effective media available, including television, radio, print, and digital media.
FirstDallas TV
FirstDallas TV is an on-demand platform where you can stream previous Sunday services, Pathway to Victory, Unapologetic with Julia Jeffress Sadler, Sunday School with Ryland Whitehorn, iCampus Kids, special content such as Building Blocks of the Faith, and more.
KCBI is operated by First Dallas Media, Inc. as a listener-supported Christian radio station serving North Dallas. As a church partner, we support KCBI’s efforts to offer music and teaching that encourages listeners and shares the hope of Christ.