Your Home for
Biblical Truth
and Community

Our Mission

We believe our job as the church of Jesus Christ is to
transform our world with God’s Word…one life at a time.

Our mission is based on the Great Commission – “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20).

We seek to accomplish this goal by focusing ministry efforts locally, nationally, and internationally through four key strategies: worship, equip, serve, and influence.

Next Steps

Interested in taking the next steps at First Baptist Dallas? We have three great worship experiences and would love to connect you to a Sunday School class. Plan your visit with us today!


We invest deeply in a variety of ministries, volunteer opportunities, and resources in order to disciple and equip you to be all God has called you to be in the day in which we live. Find the right ministry for you and your entire family!

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Featured Events

  • Sunday, September 15

    Band-Led Night of Worship

    The First Dallas Band will be hosting a Night of Worship on Sunday, September 15. We will gather in the Worship Center after Discipleship University, at 7pm. After worship concludes, we’ll have a fellowship with dessert provided. This will be a spiritual encouragement, not only for those who regularly attended our Band-Led Service, but for our entire church family. “Let’s sing and make melody with our hearts to the Lord, always giving thanks in all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:19–20).

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  • Sunday, October 6

    Invite a Guest Sunday: Danny Gokey & Special Message

    Church, invite a guest to join the First Dallas family on Sunday, October 6, to worship with Danny Gokey and hear a special message from Dr. Jeffress: “How Can I Know Christianity is the Right Religion?”

    Grammy-nominated American Idol finalist Danny Gokey will lead worship with the famous First Dallas Choir & Orchestra at 9:15 & 11am and the award-winning First Dallas Band at 11am. Then, are you questioning Christianity? Do you want to become more confident in your faith? Learn what makes Christianity unique and true with Dr. Jeffress’ message, “How Can I Know Christianity Is The Right Religion?” Whether you’re a skeptic, a firm believer, or somewhere in between, we want to invite you to spend a Sunday morning with us on Sunday, October 6, at 9:15 & 11am.

    We can’t wait to see you and your guest(s)!

    Learn more and register

  • Sunday, September 15

    New Sermon Series: How Can I Know?

    Join us as Dr. Robert Jeffress begins a new sermon series answering life’s 7 most important questions. Combining the best research available with the most persuasive arguments, Jeffress offers you renewed hope, assurance of faith, and powerful tools for understanding – and explaining – life’s essential answers, all in a reader – friendly format.

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Our Pastor

Dr. Robert Jeffress

Dr. Robert Jeffress is Senior Pastor of the 16,000-member First Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas, and a Fox News Contributor. He is the author of 30 books and the host and Bible teacher on Pathway To Victory, a national radio and television program.

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Pathway to Victory

Pathway to Victory is the broadcast ministry of First Baptist Church of Dallas and Dr. Robert Jeffress. Pathway to Victory exists to pierce the darkness with the light of God’s Word through the most effective media available, including television, radio, print, and digital media.

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