
First Dallas’ Summer of Impact

By First Dallas Staff

All summer long, First Dallas has touched lives, made lasting memories, and spread the love of Christ. From mission trips to Vacation Bible School and life-changing camps, this summer has been filled with moments and events that have brought the communities we served closer to God. 

Mission Trips

Our mission teams represented every age group and made an impact that brought hope, compassion, and the message of Christ to diverse communities.

In Guatemala, our teams ministered to over 1,200 individuals, building homes, offering medical care,  leading VBS, and sharing the gospel. The impact was profound, with 33 professions of faith and 475 children participating in VBS.

Our Choir and Orchestra traveled to Hawaii with 233 members, where they touched lives through gospel concerts, powerful sermons, and acts of service. Their performances resonated across various settings, including military bases and the iconic Waikiki Shell Amphitheater. Their ministry at Pearl Harbor and New Hope Church left indelible marks on the hearts of military families and worshippers.

Our Student Worship Team of 50 students and 20 volunteers journeyed to the Bahamas, where they led worship at the Faith Temple Ministries, an orphanage, and a juvenile detention center, where our Girl’s Ministry Associate delivered a powerful gospel presentation.

Meanwhile, a team of 12 college students traveled to Kentucky to serve a community that needed it most. They rolled up their sleeves building a 194-foot fence from the ground up, boxed over 1,000 lunches, and helped excite over 120 children during VBS.

Vacation Bible School

At home, the impact continued through First Dallas’ “Twists & Turns” themed Vacation Bible School, where our church community came together to nurture the spiritual growth of our children. In one week, children raised over $13,000 for the Guatemala mission fund, worshipped with Yancy, played games, and embraced the gospel, with 126 children making life-changing decisions for Jesus Christ.


Our Children’s Ministry traveled to Carolina Creek for Kids Camp with 178 enthusiastic campers, engaged in Bible studies, worshipped, and enjoyed recreational activities. Amazingly, nine children made the life-changing decision to follow Christ.

For our older youth, Student Camp in Orange Beach, Alabama, provided a powerful setting for worship, growth, and profound transformations. With 133 energetic attendees, Beach Camp’s most unforgettable moment was when 11 students made decisions for Christ and nine students were baptized in the ocean.

The impact First Dallas had this summer resonates far beyond the warm days and bright skies. Every one of our staff, volunteers, and members made an impact for the Kingdom. The lives touched, decisions made, and faith strengthened are a testament to the unwavering commitment of our church community.