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First Baptist Church Dallas 1707 San Jacinto Dallas, TX 75201 (214) 969-0111 info@firstdallas.org
Choir & Orchestra Led Worship 9:15 & 11am | Worship Center
Band-Led Worship 11am | Wicker Gym
Welcome! We are so glad you are interested in launching a Pastor’s Prayer Partner ministry at your church. Hear directly from Dr….
Here are a few ways to get involved around our Dallas Community! OPERATION CARE On Saturday, December 21st we will partner…
El Bautismo El bautismo es un acto de obediencia al mandato explícito de nuestro Señor. Cristo ordenó a sus discípulos que fueran…
¡Bienvenidos! Welcome! En First Dallas en Español estamos para servirte a ti y a tu familia, y te invitamos a nuestro Servicio…
Welcome to Reaching Your Prodigal! This ministry is dedicated to helping restore broken relationships. Whether your prodigal is a child, spouse, friend,…
From the moment children enter the Horner Family Center, they become part of our Kids Cove ministry and embark on a fun…