Mission 1:8 One Desire is our ministry plan for 2025–2026. This includes both our ministry budget for the next two years, as well as a capital project to rebuild our Sanctuary and enhance our church campus. The theme “One Desire” is based on 2 Corinthians 5:9, which says, “Therefore we also have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him.” Our vision is for every person at our church to take a next step in making Jesus Christ their one desire in life.
Building Our Legacy
Starts Today
Church family,
There’s a truth about the church of Jesus Christ. It’s always under construction. I’m not just talking about buildings. The church body itself is being built each day. Jesus said, “I will build my church.” Nothing can or will ever stop Him. Not even the gates of Hell (Matthew 16:18).
We’re being called by God to build First Baptist Dallas. Mission 1:8 One Desire includes plans for rebuilding a historic structure, but it goes beyond that. We are being tasked by God with building upon the legacy that the Historic Sanctuary represents.
The challenges to Christians in our world are becoming greater. Our culture is getting darker. Satan’s attacks are growing stronger.
So we have to decide today. What legacy will we hand down to the future generations at First Baptist Dallas? Are we willing to make the investments and sacrifices necessary to ensure our church will stand as a bastion of biblical truth for decades to come?
The time is now. Building our legacy starts today.
Dr. Robert Jeffress
Senior Pastor
Our financial goal – $95 million
For our 2025–2026 ministry budget, the reconstruction of the Sanctuary, and the enhancement of our church campus
Our ministry campaign for the next two ears includes a special capital project to restore our Sanctuary. But it goes well beyond that. One Desire is our plan for building the church of Jesus Christ, for being faithful and bold witnesses to a lost and dying world. To accomplish this, we will focus on three overall priorities: spiritual and physical infrastructure, world-class ministries, and worldwide influence.
Discipleship Resources
Mission 1:8 One Desire is much more than a financial campaign. It is our plan for doing ministry and making disciples here at First Baptist Dallas. The key question we’re asking each member of our church as we start One Desire in 2025–2026 is: what is a next step you can take to make Jesus Christ the one desire of your life? The discipleship resources below are intended to help you make Jesus Christ your one desire, as we prepare to start One Desire as a church family in January.
One Desire Discipleship Guide
Being a disciple of Jesus Christ means making Him the one desire of your heart. That will transform your life! But there are many desires competing for our affection. The One Desire Discipleship Guide is a biblical resource meant to help you identify things that draw you away from Christ, as well as to encourage you take your next step in following Him. It’s a short devotional guide that can be completed in one session.
One Desire Commitment Prayer Guide
We’re asking everyone in our church to make a two-year commitment to Mission 1:8 One Desire. We believe this isn’t first a financial decision—it’s a spiritual one. So we’ve created a 10-day prayer guide to help you get ready. The guide goes verse-by-verse through Psalm 90, ending with a final prayer that the Lord would “establish the work of our hands!” We hope this biblical resource helps you make Jesus Christ the one desire of your heart and life.
One Desire Podcast Series
In this podcast series, we will discuss the key biblical passages that are informing Mission 1:8 One Desire. We’ll talk about what it means to make Jesus Christ our one desire, and how you can begin taking practical steps today to build your entire life around Him.
How You Can Participate in Mission 1:8 One Desire
Mission 1:8 One Desire is an effort that will require all of us giving all of ourselves to the Lord Jesus Christ. Here’s how you participate in this effort over the next two years.
Begin praying now for Mission 1:8 One Desire. Pray that lives will be transformed, as we seek to do God’s will and glorify Him together. In particular, we’re encouraging our church family to pray Psalm 90 over this effort, that God would “establish the work of our hands.”
Take a next step
We’re encouraging everyone in our church to take a next step in their walk with the Lord. As you identify what that step is, let us know so that we can pray with you and help you take that step toward making Jesus Christ your one desire in life.
Make a commitment
We’re asking every church member of First Baptist Dallas to make a two-year financial commitment to Mission 1:8 One Desire. These pledges will help us determine what we’re able to do in 2025–2026, both as we finalize plans for the new Sanctuary and move forward in our ministry areas. For our iCampus community and others who want to partner with us, consider making a monthly commitment to support the ministry and mission of First Baptist Dallas through One Desire.
(JANUARY 2025 – DECEMBER 2026)
As we seek to make Jesus Christ the one desire of our lives, please pray and consider how you will invest in the mission and ministry of First Baptist Dallas. Building our legacy starts today.
My commitment to Mission 1:8 One Desire over
the next two years:
Featured Events
Sunday, December 15
Commitment Sunday
We’re asking everyone in our church to make their two-year financial commitment to Mission 1:8 One Desire on or before this day. On Commitment Sunday, we will dedicate this two-year ministry effort to the Lord
MISSION 1:8 Basics
What is “Mission 1:8”? Where does the name come from?
The name “Mission 1:8” comes from Acts 1:8, where Jesus told the apostles to be His witnesses “in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” We structure our ministry in the same way—with local, national, and international components. Every two years, we launch a new “Mission 1:8” ministry plan with a biblical theme the Lord has put on our hearts for the upcoming season. For 2025–2026, the theme is One Desire and the key verse is 2 Corinthians 5:9.
What is one-fund giving? Why do we use only one fund?
One-fund giving means that all gifts given to First Baptist Dallas go into a single fund, rather than being designated for specific initiatives or ministries. We then allocate those funds according to our ministry plan, which we present to the church every two years. One-fund giving has been remarkably beneficial. Not only has this allowed us to take advantage of timely ministry opportunities, it has also created a spirit of unity among our church family. Every gift given goes to support the mission.
Why do we ask for two-year commitments?
Along with giving to a single fund, we also encourage every family at our church to make a two-year financial commitment to Mission 1:8. The pledged amounts help us decide which ministry opportunities to pursue and use our funds wisely. More importantly, the decision each family makes about how much to commit is a powerful spiritual practice. Together we prioritize giving to the Lord the first and best of what we have, rather than just giving the leftovers or remainder. We trust that He will provide everything we need!
What if I want to give a special gift specifically for the rebuilding of the Sanctuary?
Because every gift given to Mission 1:8 One Desire goes into one fund, we already plan to use a portion of these funds for the Sanctuary project. So when you give to Mission 1:8 One Desire, you are helping to support the Sanctuary project. However, we have set up a special designated fund for those who feel led to give in this way. It’s called “Church Campus Redevelopment.”
What is our theology of giving? As Christians, why should we give?
We believe generosity is a necessary and important part of discipleship. As you follow Jesus, He calls you to give every part of your life to Him—including your finances. This is a heart issue. Your heart follows your money. As Jesus said, “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21). Our generosity is a lived picture of the gospel, when Jesus made Himself poor so that we could become rich (2 Corinthians 8:9). We believe the biblical model is to give the first and best of what we have, from the heart, as an act of gratitude for what God has provided and faith that He will continue to provide what we need (2 Corinthians 9:6–8). Giving within the church binds us together in a gospel partnership, while at the same time bearing fruit in each of our hearts and lives (Philippians 4:14, 17).