Mission 1:8 One Desire TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP
First Baptist Church Dallas 1707 San Jacinto Dallas, TX 75201 (214) 969-0111 info@firstdallas.org
Choir & Orchestra Led Worship 9:15 & 11am | Worship Center
Band-Led Worship 11am | Wicker Gym
We believe God has called us to serve one another and to do this, we encourage every member to find a place…
Are you interested in being equipped and discipled by world-class teachers and gifted seminary professors? Discipleship University is our Sunday evening program…
What are Community Groups? Community Groups are small groups that meet either on or off campus that are designed to foster Christian…
First Dallas Missions transforms lives with the gospel by providing opportunities to serve spiritual and physical needs. Every year, we send teams…
The First Dallas Choir leads majestic worship every Sunday morning at 9:15 and 11am in the Worship Center. This group is made…
Dementia Support Group meets on the 4th Monday of every month from 12-1:30pm in WC 102. For more information, contact Jim…