

As a follower of Christ, the life-changing message of the gospel has come to you, but it shouldn’t stop there. All believers who have been changed by the gospel are commissioned to take its message to someone else. Life change begins with a conversation. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the most profound reality of life, but sharing it with someone can be as simple as 3 Circles. Watch the video below and discover how you can share the gospel with anyone using the 3 Circles evangelism strategy.

Watch this video from our Associate Minister of Education, Sean Beach, to learn about what 3 Circles means.


Watch this video from our Single Adults, Missions, and Day One Minister, Kevin Batista, to learn how to share the gospel through 3 Circles.


You can download the Life on Mission app for your iPhone from the North American Mission Board by clicking here.

If you have questions or need more information, please contact us by filling out the below form.