One Life, Stories,
One Life Spotlight on First Dallas en Español Ministry
By First Dallas Staff

The Lord has been moving in our new First Dallas en Español ministry in incredible ways! Specifically, last month, First Dallas en Español held its Christmas party—Fiesta Navideña. This particular event unveiled the tremendous potential to positively influence the lives of Spanish-speaking families throughout the DFW Metroplex and familiarize them with our church. With over 600 people in attendance, 24 individuals made a decision for Christ, 11 people indicated they would be taking the next step of believer’s baptism, and many others expressed interest in joining our church family. The purpose of events like Fiesta Navideña is to continue First Dallas’ mission to transform our world with God’s Word, one life at a time—here is the story of two individuals who will be forever impacted.
Dr. Humberto Gonzalez, First Dallas Minister en Español, says,”How Abelardo and Yony came to First Dallas is inspiring.” He goes on to say, “I was part of an outreach event at White Rock Lake last October. Several people from First Dallas en Español and another English Sunday School class passed out water bottles to people walking or running at the park. There, I met Abelardo. I prayed for him and invited him to church. I continued following up with Abelardo,texting him weekly until he texted me back, telling me he wanted to come visit our Spanish-speaking service, Encuentro, on Sunday.” Abelardo has been faithfully attending Encuentro ever since and, recently, made the most important decision in his life: to trust in Jesus Christ as his personal Savior.
First Dallas en Español had its first-ever Fiesta Navideña on December 15 with hundreds in attendance where we shared the heartwarming Christmas story in Spanish with piñatas, surprises for the kids, including Dr. Jeffress book, The Gift, translated in Spanish, live music by special guest Coala Zamorano, and exciting giveaways and raffles. Many new members of our church attended, as well as numerous guests who were attending as a result of a simple invitation. That was the case with Abelardo’s friend, Yony.
Abelardo invited Yony to attend the Fiesta, and when he came, he filled out a decision card with an interest in knowing more about Christ. Dr. Gonzalez said, “I contacted him and invited Yony to drink a cup of coffee at San Martin Bakery in Uptown. In our coffee meeting, I asked Yony how he heard about First Dallas. Yony was telling me about a friend named Abelardo who invited him to the Fiesta.” Yony went on to say how his friend said Pastor Humberto prayed for him and gave him a water bottle when he needed it the most at the park. Touched, Dr. Gonzalez said, “Hearing this made me reflect on what our Lord Jesus said: ‘If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.’” (John 4:10). Because of the living water, Abelardo prayed in the park and was encouraged to attend our church.
Yony continued saying that he needed a change in his life. Dr. Gonzalez responded by saying the change he needed to make in his life was to receive Jesus as his personal Savior. That day, He prayed to receive Jesus Christ as his Savior, and Dr. Gonzalez drew what he likes to call “a map of life” in a notebook. Together, they discussed the importance of making this decision that affects his final destiny and his next steps to grow spiritually.
Since then, Yony has been attending Encuentro de Adoración and wants to know more aboutGod and the Bible. Dr. Gonzalez will be meeting with him to explain believers’ baptism soon. First Dallas has become Abelardo and Yony’s home for Biblical Truth and Community, and we are grateful that they can hear the truth of the gospel in their native language.
We want to celebrate all that the Lord has done in your lives! Share your story with us by emailing