
Volunteer | Everybody Has a Place!

By First Dallas Staff

As believers, we are called to live out our faith and serve the Lord. Over and over, the Bible encourages us to follow the example of Christ, who came not to be served but to serve. But more than that, we were designed to serve! 

God has given you gifts and talents unique to you so that you would use them to bring Him glory and to build up the body of Christ. We want to help you steward those gifts well and find your place to serve at First Dallas! 

Our church offers a wide variety of volunteer opportunities, catering to various interests and skills. Whether it’s serving in our Parking Ministry, in a Sunday School classroom, or as a barista at the Perfect Blend Coffee Bar, there’s a place for everybody to get involved! You’ll find a wide range of options in our online catalog, specially designed to accommodate individuals of all ages, life stages, and spiritual gifts.

We are excited to partner with you in identifying your gift and finding the perfect place to serve at First Baptist Dallas for our Volunteer Fair!