Divine Dial: A Call to Faith with Pathway to Victory
By First Dallas Staff
A typical day for Hank Hernandez, a Donor Care Associate for Pathway to Victory, revolves around managing donor relations, answering inquiries, and ensuring donors feel valued, appreciated, and connected. However, one special day in August resulted in a profound profession of faith and eternal salvation for an 82-year-old woman named Betty Downs.
“I received a call from Ms. Downs on Saturday,” says Hank. She provided a phone number and mentioned she lived in Texas. Betty had recently read Dr. Jeffress’ book, A Place Called Heaven, and was enthusiastic about it. However, she had inquiries and requested a callback. Hank said, “That’s where I came in.”
Betty had many questions about what happens after you die, and it was clear she was searching for a deeper connection with God. After reading several passages from Scripture together, Hank asked her a crucial question—”Do you want to make a decision today that will assure your place in heaven?” Betty enthusiastically said “yes,” and that day, she trusted in Christ as her Savior.
Hank followed up her decision for Christ by sending Betty a Bible and a care package with the scriptures they discussed. He said, “I believe that God placed me in this position to answer her questions at that moment.”
God continues to use First Baptist Dallas’ media ministry to pierce the darkness with the light of God’s Word, one life at a time. On this special day, we are thankful that Betty was that one life.