High School Hangout | Carriage Rides
Northstar CarriagesHigh schoolers—get in the Christmas spirit with a Christmas Carriage Ride at Northstar Carriages on Friday, December 1 at 6pm!
Mission 1:8 One Desire TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP
First Baptist Church Dallas
1707 San Jacinto
Dallas, TX 75201
(214) 969-0111
Choir & Orchestra Led Worship
9:15 & 11am | Worship Center
Band-Led Worship
11am | Wicker Gym
High schoolers—get in the Christmas spirit with a Christmas Carriage Ride at Northstar Carriages on Friday, December 1 at 6pm!
ALL ABOARD! Get into the Christmas spirit as Junior High hops onto the Dallas Downtown Tram to spread Christmas cheer! We will...
Calling all 6th graders! Join your friends on Friday, December 1 at 6:30pm to kick off the holiday season at the preteen...
Young Marrieds—we're taking it back to the 70s with a groovy disco party—complete with a retro arcade, a costume contest, 360º photo...