Sports | Upward Basketball & Cheer
Wicker GymYoung athletes of all skill levels are welcome to participate in our Upward Sports league for basketball and cheerleading. Our coaches and...
Mission 1:8 One Desire TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP
First Baptist Church Dallas
1707 San Jacinto
Dallas, TX 75201
(214) 969-0111
Choir & Orchestra Led Worship
9:15 & 11am | Worship Center
Band-Led Worship
11am | Wicker Gym
Young athletes of all skill levels are welcome to participate in our Upward Sports league for basketball and cheerleading. Our coaches and...
Moms of Preschoolers, join us for a dina-mite time at our Dinosaur Party! Enjoy music time with Mrs. Lindsey and some roaring...
Young athletes of all skill levels are welcome to participate in our Upward Sports league for basketball and cheerleading. Our coaches and...
Set sail for a magical evening with Sailing Under the Stars: A Daddy Daughter Experience. At just $25 a person, this formal...
Young athletes of all skill levels are welcome to participate in our Upward Sports league for basketball and cheerleading. Our coaches and...
Moms of preschoolers, join us on Friday, March 7, for an inspiring First Friday with Becky Collazos as she shares A Mother’s...
Young athletes of all skill levels are welcome to participate in our Upward Sports league for basketball and cheerleading. Our coaches and...
Young athletes of all skill levels are welcome to participate in our Upward Sports league for basketball and cheerleading. Our coaches and...
Join us July 14-18, 9am-12:30pm, for Vacation Bible School at First Baptist Dallas! This year’s theme, "Magnified!" (Psalm 34:3), will help children...