Sunday Night Date Night
Sunday Night Date Night
Sunday Night Date Night offers married, engaged, and seriously dating couples a weekly date night that includes childcare, a $50 Gift Card...
Mission 1:8 One Desire TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP
First Baptist Church Dallas
1707 San Jacinto
Dallas, TX 75201
(214) 969-0111
Choir & Orchestra Led Worship
9:15 & 11am | Worship Center
Band-Led Worship
11am | Wicker Gym
Sunday Night Date Night offers married, engaged, and seriously dating couples a weekly date night that includes childcare, a $50 Gift Card...
Join Dr. Chuck Ward for a Wednesday night Bible study every week at 6:30pm. We meet on campus in HFC715 or you...
Young athletes of all skill levels are welcome to participate in our Upward Sports league for basketball and cheerleading. Our coaches and...
Sunday Night Date Night offers married, engaged, and seriously dating couples a weekly date night that includes childcare, a $50 Gift Card...
All in the Forney area are invited to join a small group meeting on the 1st Monday of every month! Fill...
Join Dr. Chuck Ward for a Wednesday night Bible study every week at 6:30pm. We meet on campus in HFC715 or you...
Young athletes of all skill levels are welcome to participate in our Upward Sports league for basketball and cheerleading. Our coaches and...
Get ready for the Young Marrieds Super Sunday Showdown! Join us on Sunday, February 9 at 9:15am in HFC Level 7 for...
Join Dr. Chuck Ward for a Wednesday night Bible study every week at 6:30pm. We meet on campus in HFC715 or you...
Parents, are you ready for a Date Night with your spouse? Drop the kids with us and enjoy a romantic evening with...
Young athletes of all skill levels are welcome to participate in our Upward Sports league for basketball and cheerleading. Our coaches and...
Sunday Night Date Night offers married, engaged, and seriously dating couples a weekly date night that includes childcare, a $50 Gift Card...
All those in the Far North Dallas area are invited to join the Far North Dallas Community Group, led by Brad and...
All in the Mesquite area are invited to join Jared and Kayla Nielson for a small group that meets on the third...
All in the Rockwall area are invited to join Russ and Rebecca Bafford for a small group that meets on the third...
Join Dr. Chuck Ward for a Wednesday night Bible study every week at 6:30pm. We meet on campus in HFC715 or you...
Our community groups meet together for powerful devotions, intentional prayer, meaningful connection, and lots of fun. This is a great way to...
Young athletes of all skill levels are welcome to participate in our Upward Sports league for basketball and cheerleading. Our coaches and...
Sunday Night Date Night offers married, engaged, and seriously dating couples a weekly date night that includes childcare, a $50 Gift Card...
Join Dr. Chuck Ward for a Wednesday night Bible study every week at 6:30pm. We meet on campus in HFC715 or you...
Set sail for a magical evening with Sailing Under the Stars: A Daddy Daughter Experience. At just $25 a person, this formal...
Young athletes of all skill levels are welcome to participate in our Upward Sports league for basketball and cheerleading. Our coaches and...