Adult Trip | Painted Churches Tour

Enjoy a restful 3-day/2-night trip to the Texas Hill Country from March 4–6, where we will tour the indescribably beautiful Painted Churches,...


Sports | Co-Ed Volleyball

Wicker Gym 1935 San Jacinto, Dallas, TX, United States

Co-ed Volleyball is a great way to meet and have fellowship with others and compete. This league offers two divisions for those...


MetroSouth Community Group

Jeff & Sheri Adams Home

Our community groups meet together for powerful devotions, intentional prayer, meaningful connection, and lots of fun. This is a great way to...


Christian Survivors of Suicide Loss

Worship Center, 2nd floor, Family Room

This is an ongoing, year-round support group for those who have been affected by suicide, including family members, survivors themselves, and those...