
Tae Kwon Do

Wicker Gym

We are excited to be able to offer a martial arts ministry at First Dallas by partnering with Yujin Han, a member...

Students | Mission Houston

Houston, TX

High schoolers—join us for a fun and transformative weekend on a mission trip to Houston in January!

Students | JH Serve Day

Buckner International; First Baptist Academy

Join us for a morning serving our community at Buckner International on Saturday, January 13! After we serve Buckner, we'll walk across...


Grupo de Comunidad en Español


Una comunidad que se reúne los domingos por la noche. Este grupo está diseñado para fomentar una comunidad cristiana a través de...


DBU Community Group

DBU community group that is meeting on campus on Sunday nights at 7pm. Anyone is welcome, not just DBU students. Lead by...


Men’s Basketball

Wicker Gym

Men’s Basketball offers fun and fellowship for those who want to play at a competitive or a recreational level. Registration is closed....
