Mission 1:8 WIN NOW,
Mission 1:8 WIN NOW | Pathway to Victory Q&A with Nate Curtis
By Ben Lovvorn

Executive Pastor, Ben Lovvorn, sits down with our Minister of Communications and Broadcast, Nate Curtis, to discuss how Mission 1:8 WIN NOW directly impacts Pathway to Victory!
Pathway to Victory is on a mission to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and engage our culture with God’s life-saving truth. Through Mission 1:8 WIN NOW, we want to continue to take new ground. Here is how we plan to provide resources that can reach more people with practical application of God’s Word:
Expand broadcast footprint to reach viewers and listeners daily with the truth of God’s Word.
Add strategic second releases in existing markets to reach a new audience.
We believe this is a God-timed opportunity to boldly proclaim the gospel NOW to countries that need it most, including Ukraine, Russia, and Israel. It is more important than ever to translate Pathway to Victory into Ukrainian and Russian because it may be the only way some of these war-ravaged areas will hear the saving truth of Jesus Christ.
We value your membership in Christ’s body and the vital role you play here financially. Help us win as many people as possible as quickly as possible for Jesus Christ and commit to WIN NOW over the next two years.
“Run in such a way that you may win…” (1 Corinthians 9:24).
To learn more about Mission 1:8 WIN NOW visit, firstdallas.org/win.