By His grace, God invited us to know Him. Now, He is inviting others to know Him through us . . .
One Life at a time.

Invite a Guest Sunday

Extend a warm invitation to bring someone new to First Dallas for Invite a Guest Sunday on October 1!

Lee Strobel—former award-winning investigative journalist, atheist-turned-Christian, and renowned Christian apologist—will join us with a powerful message on “The Case for Christianity.”

Worship with the Newsboys in the Worship Center and Benjamin William Hastings in the Truett Chapel.

After the service, stay for a live Q&A session with Lee Strobel and Dr. Jeffress, where you and your guest will enjoy a complimentary lunch and an edifying discussion on Christianity, faith, and religion.

“Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.”
– 2 Corinthians 5:20

What is One Life?

At First Baptist Dallas, our mission is to transform the world with God’s Word . . . one life at a time. We take this mission directly from Christ’s words in Scripture.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19–20).

The Great Commission is not a suggestion—it’s a command. It is an urgent necessity for us to pursue. Our task is to tell people about God’s forgiveness and then help them grow to be like Christ. The success of this work is made possible through Christ’s abiding presence with His church, working in and through us by His Spirit to accomplish His purpose.

And it’s as simple as inviting One Life to church on Sunday, October 1.

Who’s Your One?

Who You Know

  • Family members
  • Friends
  • Neighbors
  • Coworkers/classmates
  • Children’s friends and their families
  • Teachers and coaches

As You Go

  • Servers
  • Baristas
  • Cashiers
  • Delivery persons
  • People at your gym or hobby
  • People waiting in line with you

Three Steps for One Life


The first step to inviting your One Life is to initiate.

  • Know their name
  • Find a reason to compliment/encourage them
  • Start a conversation
  • Keep in touch


The next step is to invest in them.

  • Know them (ask them about themselves . . . and listen!)
  • Spend time with them (host a game night or have them over for dinner)
  • Find a way to serve them (maybe babysit their kids or mow their lawn)


Finally, invite them.

  • Find something to invite them to (Sunday, October 1 at First Dallas!)
  • Give them the details (
  • Go with them (offer to drive them, sit with them, reassure them)
  • Follow up with them


We know that transforming the world with God’s Word one life at a time would not be possible without the work of God, which is why we strongly believe in the power of prayer.

Each week, pray these prayers and ask the Lord to move in your life and in the lives of others. If there’s a blank, fill it in with the name of your One Life. Click the buttons below or scroll down to read.

Week 1 | Eyes to See

Week 2 | Feet to Go

Week 3 | Hearts to Soften

Week 4 | Hands to Serve

Week 5 | Words to Say

Week 6 | Lives to Change