The best week of summer is coming up soon—Vacation Bible School! Watch the video below to learn more!
Each day from Monday, July 15–Friday, July 19, 9am–12:30pm, children 3 years old–completion of 6th grade will learn how “God’s Truth Never Changes” at VBS! Kids and leaders alike will enjoy fun-filled mornings of worship, skits, activities, biblical teaching, games, snacks, snow cones, inflatables, and so much more.
This year, VBS is going to Breaker Rock Beach, learning about God’s rock-solid truth in a world of shifting sands. Kids will be challenged as they discover that God’s truth never changes, everyone needs Jesus, and learn to speak the truth in love. Adventure awaits each day as kids explore tide pools, spot orcas, fly kites, and watch the mighty waves crash up against the immovable Breaker Rock!
Calling all VBS leaders! Save the date for our VBS All-Leader Conference on Saturday, June 22, from 9am–3pm in the Wicker Gym!
Meet and fellowship with other volunteers, pray over VBS week and the children who will be attending, and learn all the ins and outs of VBS—we have lots of fun in store, so you don’t want to miss any information! Our team is praying over you as you join us in preparation for VBS, and we’re so excited to see how God will work in and through your faithfulness to serve, using you to impact the lives of these children in amazing ways!
We know what you’re thinking, and yes, there’s lunch! We’ll also have Play & Learn for your kids.
Haven’t registered to be a leader yet? Jump in with us!
Celebrate a great VBS with the whole family at our VBS Sunday! On Sunday, July 21 in the Band-Led Service, the whole family will get a taste of the fun kids had at Vacation Bible School. Worship with guest Jana Alayra, hear the truths children learned about, and watch the final scene from the skit! We will also provide a complimentary lunch afterward.
VBS Sunday isn’t just for families with children who attended VBS—everyone is invited! God is doing a great work in the next generation of believers in Kids Cove at First Dallas, so come and see how He moved through a week of worship, teaching, and fun at VBS.