First Friday

HFC 2 Large Group

Join us for First Friday at First Dallas on Friday, October 4th, a special event for all moms with children from birth...

Wiggle Worship Fall Kick-Off

HFC 2 Large Group

Join us at our Wiggle Worship Kick-Off on Sunday, September 8 at 5:30pm! Wiggle Worship provides pre-school children with a way to...


Plus One More | Muffins with Mom

HFC 2 Large Group

Moms of Preschoolers, join us every third Wednesday of the month for a special “Mommy and Me” playground time that features Bible...


Plus One More | Muffins with Mom

HFC 2 Large Group

Moms of Preschoolers, join us every third Wednesday of the month for a special “Mommy and Me” playground time that features Bible...


Plus One More | Muffins with Mom

HFC 2 Large Group

Moms of Preschoolers, join us every third Wednesday of the month for a special “Mommy and Me” playground time that features Bible...