YM |Â 70s Retro Disco Party
HFC7Young Marrieds—we're taking it back to the 70s with a groovy disco party—complete with a retro arcade, a costume contest, 360º photo...
First Baptist Church Dallas
1707 San Jacinto
Dallas, TX 75201
(214) 969-0111
Choir & Orchestra Led Worship
9:15 & 11am | Worship Center
Band-Led Worship
11am | Wicker Gym
Young Marrieds—we're taking it back to the 70s with a groovy disco party—complete with a retro arcade, a costume contest, 360º photo...
Kick off our December Sundays with delicious cinnamon rolls on Sunday, December 10!
This is an ongoing, year-round support group for those who have been affected by suicide, including family members, survivors themselves, and those...
Our First Dallas Young Marrieds ministry challenges you to wear your best ugly Christmas sweater to Sunday School on Sunday, December 17!
Ladies, join Julia Jeffress Sadler on Sunday, December 17, for the 3rd Annual Mother-Daughter Christmas Tea! Enjoy sweet time with your mom...
Young Marrieds, join us on Sunday, December 24 as we celebrate Christmas Sunday with Krispy Kreme donuts!
This is an ongoing, year-round support group for those who have been affected by suicide, including family members, survivors themselves, and those...
All in the Grapevine area are invited to join Tom and Stephanie Pulley for a small group that meets on the second...
Join Dr. Chuck Ward for a Wednesday night Bible study every week at 6:30pm. We meet on campus in HFC715 or you...
This is an ongoing, year-round support group for those who have been affected by suicide, including family members, survivors themselves, and those...
Una comunidad que se reúne los domingos por la noche. Este grupo está diseñado para fomentar una comunidad cristiana a través de...
All those in the Far North Dallas area are invited to join the Far North Dallas Community Group, led by Brad and...