Adult 3 | Leadership Lunch

Lovvorn Hall

Adult 3 Sunday school leadership teams (and spouses) are invited to training lunches! Some months are large group, including all existing and...


Reaching Your Prodigal

Get Connected. Go Deeper. The Reaching Your Prodigal Support Group helps you get connected with other like-minded Christians who are also struggling...


Christian Survivors of Suicide Loss

Worship Center, 2nd floor, Family Room

This is an ongoing, year-round support group for those who have been affected by suicide, including family members, survivors themselves, and those...


Co-Ed Volleyball 4v4

Wicker Gym

Join us for co-ed adult volleyball on Thursday evenings from September 12 to November 4 at 6:30pm! Whether you thrive on competition...


Young Marrieds | Leadership Lunch


All Young Marrieds leaders are invited to join us for a complimentary leaders-only lunch on Sunday, September 15 at 12:30pm in HFC712....