


REMEMBER THE DAY? She’s in her flowing, white dress. He’s in his custom-fitted tux. The weather is pristine. The flowers are exquisite. The...

Adult Trip | Painted Churches Tour

Enjoy a restful 3-day/2-night trip to the Texas Hill Country from March 4–6, where we will tour the indescribably beautiful Painted Churches,...


Men’s Basketball

Wicker Gym 1935 San Jacinto, Dallas, TX, United States

Men’s Basketball offers fun and fellowship for those who want to play at a competitive or a recreational level. Registration is closed....


Pathways | DivorceCare

Worship Center, 1st floor, Room 108A, Classroom 2

DivorceCare is a safe place where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce....


Sports | Co-Ed Volleyball

Wicker Gym 1935 San Jacinto, Dallas, TX, United States

Co-ed Volleyball is a great way to meet and have fellowship with others and compete. This league offers two divisions for those...


MetroSouth Community Group

Jeff & Sheri Adams Home

Our community groups meet together for powerful devotions, intentional prayer, meaningful connection, and lots of fun. This is a great way to...




REMEMBER THE DAY? She’s in her flowing, white dress. He’s in his custom-fitted tux. The weather is pristine. The flowers are exquisite. The...