

Horner Family Center 1707 San Jacinto Street, Dallas, TX, United States

Children and teenagers will make lifelong memories and grow in their relationship with the Lord at Awana! Awana is an organization that...


Students | The Avenue

Student Center

Not only are avenues very prominent streets in Dallas, but they are also a means of getting from one place to another....


Tae Kwon Do

Wicker Gym

We are excited to be able to offer a martial arts ministry at First Dallas by partnering with Yujin Han, a member...

Senior Adult Hymn Sing

Truett Chapel

Senior adults, join us in Truett Chapel on Friday, October 20 at 6:30pm to worship our Lord with some of our favorite...

Band-Led | Bluegrass Sunday

Historic Sanctuary

Invite friends for a Sunday of bluegrass worship in the Band-Led Service!