
Tae Kwon Do

Wicker Gym

We are excited to be able to offer a martial arts ministry at First Dallas by partnering with Yujin Han, a member...

Worship Team Auditions

Historic Sanctuary

Do you play an instrument or want to lead worship with a band? If you have a passion for worship, we’re looking...


Christian Survivors of Suicide Loss

Worship Center, 2nd floor, Family Room

This is an ongoing, year-round support group for those who have been affected by suicide, including family members, survivors themselves, and those...


Life Recovery Group

CC 5th Floor

We all have struggles in life; struggles with addictions: alcohol, drugs, food, depression, anxiety, and relationships to name a few. Life Recovery...


Tae Kwon Do

Wicker Gym

We are excited to be able to offer a martial arts ministry at First Dallas by partnering with Yujin Han, a member...


Sports | Co-Ed Volleyball

Wicker Gym

Co-ed Volleyball is a great way to meet and have fellowship with others and compete. This league offers two divisions for those...





REMEMBER THE DAY? She’s in her flowing, white dress. He’s in his custom-fitted tux. The weather is pristine. The flowers are exquisite. The...

Interview with Todd Starnes

Join us for worship on Sunday, March 3, then stay until the end of the service to hear Dr. Jeffress interview nationally...

Special Friends | Launch Sunday

Spurgeon Harris - Special Friends Area

Enjoy a pancake breakfast at our special Launch Sunday, where we will kick off three new Sunday School classes and have a...