Senior Adults | Branson Trip
Our First Dallas Senior Adults are going on a trip to Branson, Missouri to watch a showing of Esther.
Mission 1:8 One Desire TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP
First Baptist Church Dallas
1707 San Jacinto
Dallas, TX 75201
(214) 969-0111
Choir & Orchestra Led Worship
9:15 & 11am | Worship Center
Band-Led Worship
11am | Wicker Gym
Our First Dallas Senior Adults are going on a trip to Branson, Missouri to watch a showing of Esther.
All in attendance will need to fill out the First Dallas Medical and Liability Waiver as well as the Sky Zone Waiver.
Celebration 15 years of ministry with Dr. and Mrs. Robert Jeffress and family during our Sunday service. Then, we will have a...
Love. It’s a beautiful gift from God that many of us desire. But once you fall in love with that special someone, how...
Everybody likes parfaits! Join us Sunday, September 11 at 9:15 and 11am for a yummy yogurt bar!
First at Home is a ministry to families who home educate. We believe your homeschool should look like...well YOU! We support the...
This is a 6-week course for anyone desiring to learn how to overcome depression and anxiety. If you or someone you love...
All Adult 2 (45-64) are invited to join Rob and Crystal Ridlon for a small group that meets on Sunday nights. This...
Sometimes, the desire for Christians to be relevant to our culture outweighs the desire for Christians to be obedient to our God....
All Adult 3 & 4 (65+ years) are invited to join Linda Robert for a small group that meets on Sunday nights....
Get out your dressiest clothes! We want to see those bow ties and tiaras!
Wiggle Worship provides pre-school children with a way to learn about the Bible through developmentally appropriate songs, activities, crafts, playtime, and lots...
Kids Worship Arts (KWA) for 1st – 6th grade is a fun and exciting ministry that provides opportunities for our children to...
On Saturday, September 24 from 11am-2pm, the Student Center will turn into an airport where girls will board a flight to Japan....
We all know that Saturdays are for the boys, and our First Dallas Student staff thinks so too. All 7th-12th grade guys,...
Wear your favorite decades attire and enjoy ice cream sundaes in your Sunday School class!