First Baptist Dallas
Historic Sanctuary
Fire Response Updates

On Friday evening, July 19, a four-alarm fire destroyed the 134-year-old Historic Sanctuary of First Baptist Church, Dallas. By God’s grace, there were no injuries. Stay tuned and read below for updates from our Senior Executive Pastor, Dr. Ben Lovvorn.

To learn more about our plans to rebuild the Sanctuary, to find biblical resources related to the One Desire campaign, or to help support this work by making a two-year financial commitment, please visit our Mission 1:8 One Desire page here. Click here to give an online gift.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025 Update:

We have some good news to share with you in today’s video update from Dr. Ben Lovvorn. We just reopened the center of our campus! You are now able to walk outdoors from the fountain plaza, between the Sanctuary site and the Worship Center, and over to Ervay Street. This will allow you to more easily navigate campus, as well as to get a closer look at the Sanctuary walls.

As we’ve been making progress on the physical infrastructure of our church, we’ve also been working together to build up our spiritual infrastructure. That’s what Spring Training: Abide is all about. We hope the Lord has been strengthening you and drawing you closer to Himself during this emphasis! As we rely on Christ as our source of life, we are made ready to bear much fruit for His kingdom and His glory.

We’ll see you Sunday, as our Pastor continues his series on the book of James! Thank you for your dedication to all that God is doing here at First Baptist Dallas.

Thursday, February 27, 2025 Update:

This week’s update is from the Beck offices! The Beck Group is our architectural partner for the Sanctuary project.

We have been operating at a rapid pace during the disaster recovery phase, meeting frequently with a team of consultants who are helping us stabilize our campus. Now we are excited to be turning to the next phase, the pre-construction design phase. This involves regular design meetings with Beck, where we work through the details of how to carry out the conceptual plans we’ve presented to you. We look forward to updating you in the future with a more refined design for the Sanctuary and the surrounding parts of campus.

This work on the physical infrastructure of our church is a picture and a testimony to our world of what Christ is doing in our midst. He is building us, the members of His body, into a holy dwelling place. This is the focus of our spiritual disciplines emphasis, Spring Training: Abide. We want to grow deeper in our reliance upon the Holy Spirit, as we invite Him to live in us and we find our life in Him.

See you Sunday!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025 Update:

We’ve been using the Spurgeon Harris building in a new way since the fire. First, it functioned as our command center. Then we started making updates, which have allowed us to use the space for temporary staff offices and for Sunday School classes.

We have essentially stabilized the Sanctuary site. We look forward to beginning the rebuilding process soon.

It will still take time to get back into the Criswell Center. The timeline for reopening is sometime in the fall, after we restore permanent power to the building.

We’re grateful that our Worship Center and Horner Family Center are fully operational, allowing us to continue to do the ministry Christ has called us to do here. With the Lord’s help, nothing will slow us down!

We are getting ready to launch Spring Training: Abide, our annual spiritual formation initiative at First Dallas. We’ll be focused on John 14-16, where Jesus tells us to abide in Him in order to bear fruit for His glory. We pray the Lord will do a great work in your heart and your life through this five-week emphasis.

Friday, February 7, 2025 Update:

The northern wall of the Sanctuary has been successfully disassembled, with as much brick and stonework preserved as possible. We intend to use these materials in the reconstruction. The Sanctuary site is stabilized and cleared, and by God’s grace, we’re ready to enter a new phase in this project!

The Lord is doing something special here at First Baptist Dallas. He is doing a work in our hearts. Through this ordeal, we have been refined and challenged to draw closer to Jesus. Don’t grow weary of doing good! Keep taking next steps in following Christ. Pursue Him. Stay committed to that heart-level work, even as we take steps as a church to restore and rebuild our campus.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025 Update:

Today, Dr. Ben Lovvorn gives us a guided tour of the progress made inside the Criswell Center. Our grand escalators are up and running again! We have also opened up the remainder of the lobby. At this point, we’re limited in the amount of power the Criswell building has available, which is why the larger venues and upper floors continue to remain closed for now. However, we’ve made great strides! We continue to take steps each week to open up as much of our campus as possible, so we can worship and fellowship together as a church family and invite others to join us here.

See you Sunday!

Tuesday, January 28, 2025 Update:

Update on the status of the Criswell Center. It will still be several more months before we’re able to bring the building back online. This is because we still need to restore permanent power to the building. We are doing everything possible to expedite this process, so we can bring Sunday School classrooms, larger venues, and our staff offices back online. We’ll continue to keep you updated on the timeline for this aspect of the project.

Update on the Criswell lobby. This Sunday, you’ll be able to pass all the way through the Criswell lobby to the Worship Center, using both the ground floor plaza and the interior staircase up to the concourse. We want to make it easier and easier for you to navigate campus, so we can all worship our Lord together.

Spring Training is coming up! You’ll be hearing more about this soon, but we want tell you a bit about this important spiritual growth emphasis we do each year. This year’s theme is Abide, based in John chapters 14–16. Our focus is on learning what it means to abide in Christ each day, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). Let’s be a church empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit, as He works in each of us to bear much fruit for God’s kingdom. More to come on this!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025 Update:

It’s COLD outside! Today, Dr. Ben Lovvorn will take you on a virtual tour inside the Sanctuary site. You can stay warm while you see how things are moving along there, as we prepare for reconstruction.

Crews have been working to carefully preserve materials from the Sanctuary’s north wall, which we plan to use in the rebuilding project. This process will continue through early February, as construction teams preserve historic brick and stonework.

Thank you, church, for playing such a pivotal role in this historic project! God is using you and working through you, for His glory. As you help build the church, remember God is building you! Be praying about your next step in following Him. We’re here to help and encourage you as you make Him your one desire.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025 Update:

We have a video update for you today from Dr. Ben Lovvorn, facing the north side of the historic Sanctuary site.

Crews have been making great progress in carefully deconstructing the north wall of the Sanctuary. They are working to preserve elements that have special significance, such as the Bible and anchor stonework above one of the arches.

Between the work on the Sanctuary site and additional work inside the Criswell Center, we are close to reaching a steady state with our campus. This will allow us to switch from disaster recovery mode and instead focus on reconstruction. Things will keep getting better and better each week!

Thank you, church, for your response to Mission 1:8 One Desire. We’re right around the corner from Best Gift Sunday, this Sunday, when we’ll officially announce our total projected giving for this effort. We encourage you to bring a best gift toward your two-year pledge!

If you haven’t made a commitment to One Desire yet, it’s not too late! You can do so here.

At First Baptist Dallas, we’re not just surviving—we’re thriving. By God’s grace, 2025 is a new beginning for our church and it can be for you as well. Let’s move forward in faith, knowing that God will provide at every step.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024 Update:

We have a special video update for you this Christmas Eve from Dr. Ben Lovvorn! Here are a few things going on:

In a few days, crews will start with selective demolition on the north wall of the Historic Sanctuary. This is an important step in preparing the site for the new construction.

We just opened up the grand staircase that leads from the Criswell lobby up to the concourse, which will allow us all to stay warm and dry while moving across campus. We continue to make progress in Criswell each week!

If you haven’t had a chance yet, please let us know how the Lord has moved in your heart to give to One Desire. We plan to announce total projected giving to Mission 1:8 One Desire on January 12, so please turn in your two-year financial commitment before then! You can return your card in person, online, or by mail. We’re praying the Lord will move in a mighty way through us!

Merry Christmas, church! We’re grateful for you. Enjoy celebrating our Savior’s birth!

Thursday, December 19, 2024 Update:

Here’s a video update with Dr. Ben Lovvorn, from inside the Criswell Lobby:

We’re excited about Christmas Sunday, this Sunday! We’ll have Krispy Kreme donuts for everyone, and our Pastor will be bringing a special Christmas message.

We’re making continued progress in the Criswell Center. On Sunday, valet parking will be available again in the Criswell circle drive. On Christmas Eve, the interior staircase will be open, allowing you to enter the Criswell building and make your way into the Worship Center without going outside.

In the Sanctuary site, the debris removal process will be completed this week. Soon we will take down the north wall of the Sanctuary, which was severely compromised in the fire. We are excited be able to retain the west and south walls, which have been reinforced.

We had such a great Commitment Sunday last week! So many of you have made financial commitments to One Desire. Thank you, church!

If you haven’t had a chance to submit yours yet, it’s not too late. You can still do so in person and online at We plan to announce the projected giving amount soon, on January 12. The additional commitments made between now and then will influence what we plan to do in the Sanctuary site and on our campus. This will take all of us! Please pray about how God would have you participate in His work here.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024 Update:

We have an update video for you today from inside the Sanctuary site. Dr. Ben Lovvorn will show you the progress being made. Here are some additional updates:

We’ve erected scaffolding inside the Sanctuary to secure the south and west walls. Debris removal will be complete within the next several days.

The wall on the north side of the building is the severely compromised and must be removed. This has been confirmed by our engineers, and we’re currently preparing to complete that work a few weeks from now.

Thanks to the hard work of our teams on campus, we have already fully recovered from the water main break that occurred last week.

As we continue to make progress each week in our recovery, it’s exciting to begin to visualize how this space can be transformed by the new construction project. But remember that this work largely depends on your financial commitments to Mission 1:8 One Desire. These will determine what aspects of our plans we will be able to accomplish.

Remember that this Sunday is Commitment Sunday! If you have not made a commitment yet, we would encourage you to make one on Sunday. You can also make a commitment online here.

We have step-by-step driving and parking instructions available for Sunday, with good routes that will help you easily navigate this Sunday’s marathon route here. All garages are open and accessible.

Everything we own is a gift from the Lord. It’s a privilege to be able to give to the Lord and to build His house! We are echoing the prayer of David in 1 Chronicles 29 this week. “O Lord our God, all this abundance that we have provided for building you a house for your holy name comes from your hand and is all your own. I know, my God, that you test the heart and have pleasure in uprightness. In the uprightness of my heart I have freely offered all these things, and now I have seen your people, who are present here, offering freely and joyously to you” (1 Chronicles 29:16-17).

Wednesday, December 4, 2024 Update:

We have a special video update for you today from Dr. Ben Lovvorn regarding developments on campus last night:

On Tuesday evening, a water main at the corner of Ervay and San Jacinto exploded. Water flooded the basement of the Criswell Center. Crews have repaired the damaged pipe and worked through the night to mitigate any damage.

We’re glad to report that the temporary power supply housed in the Criswell Center was not damaged by the flooding. The street will be repaired and operational by Sunday, so it should not cause any traffic issues for you.

We still anticipate opening the Criswell Center circle drive and the lobby this week. And, yes… the lobby will be decorated for CHRISTMAS! Get excited!

God is working, even in this challenge, to draw us closer to Himself. We trust that He will guide us through each setback and obstacle, and we will experience victory and give Him all the glory for what happens through Mission 1:8 One Desire!


Tuesday, December 3, 2024 Update:

We have a video update for you today from Dr. Ben Lovvorn:

Work continues each day as we make progress in remediating the damage done by the fire. We will continue removing debris from the Sanctuary and expect to be finished in mid-January. We will also have an exciting update related to the Criswell Center to share with you later this week.

We are looking ahead to the future, with great expectations for what God can do through First Baptist Dallas. Through Mission 1:8 One Desire, we can expand our ministries and rebuild our Sanctuary, leaving a legacy of biblical faithfulness and gospel impact for generations to come.

We encourage you to pray about what the Lord would have you commit to give through One Desire. Where we invest our finances is where we aim our hearts. As Jesus Himself said, “where your treasure is, there your heart will be” (Matthew 6:21).

Your decision about giving to the church is spiritual. The work of the church is spiritual. It must always proceed by prayer. It can only be accomplished by the Spirit. So we are calling on God together, that He would do mighty works through us for His glory. We hope you’ll join with us in this and be part of it. It all starts with making Jesus Christ your one desire.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024 Update:

In today’s update video, we’ll show you the progress being made inside the Sanctuary site, as we continue to prepare for the reconstruction effort.

Our team is hard at work, making great progress in the Sanctuary site! New scaffolding has been erected in the interior, to further reinforce the western and southern walls. We will continue to remove debris over the next few weeks. We continue to work with our architects to refine the plans for the reconstruction.

The next step of this project is in your hands. What we’re able to do will be determined by the commitments that our church family makes over the next few weeks. We’re encouraging leaders to make their commitments at Advanced Commitment Night on Sunday night, December 8. We’re asking everyone to make a two-year commitment to Mission 1:8 One Desire by Commitment Sunday, December 15.

The projected giving based on two-year commitments will influence our planning and design of what we can do. Continue to seek the Lord in this! We’re confident God can do more than we could even think or ask—through you.

Dr. Ben Lovvorn will be preaching this Sunday on the theme verse for One Desire, 2 Corinthians 5:9: “Therefore we also have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him.” Enjoy a blessed Thanksgiving this week, and we’ll see you Sunday!

Sunday, November 24, 2024 Update:

Church family, Mission 1:8 One Desire is our vision to fulfill God’s purpose at First Baptist Dallas over the next two years. Want to see what the future could hold? This video is a fly-through visual tour of the design for our rebuilt Sanctuary and enhanced campus. As we give sacrificially and make Christ our one desire, we believe God will do incredible things through us.

Thursday, November 21, 2024 Update:

Today’s video update will give you an inside look at the Sanctuary site, from inside the walls at the basement level.

We will be conducting a forensic analysis of the remaining exterior walls, which have been preserved and shored up in the days after the fire. We hope to incorporate the western and southern walls into the exterior of the new construction.

Jesus said, “Upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). Christ is building His church each day by His Spirit, as we are conformed more and more to His image. The physical infrastructure of our campus and the rebuilt Sanctuary can be a testimony to what God is doing here among us. It’s an opportunity to give Him glory!

Mission 1:8 One Desire is our plan to further the reach of our ministries and to rebuild and enhance our campus. We’re encouraging our leaders to make their commitments on December 8, at the Advanced Commitment Night service. We’re encouraging our entire church family to make a commitment by December 15, Commitment Sunday.

You have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to be part of something historic. We are making history together—all for His glory!

Tuesday, November 19, 2024 Update:

Here is this week’s video update from Dr. Ben Lovvorn:

Demolition is underway, and soon cranes will be inside the Sanctuary to remove larger pieces of steel and other materials. We hope to have the entire site cleared by mid-January.

Work is happening inside the Criswell Center. By mid-December, you’ll be able to better access that lobby and move through the campus more easily.

We are having significant conversations each week about our mechanical and electrical systems, IT and media infrastructure, and the rooftops throughout our campus. We’re making great progress.

This Sunday, we’ll show a fly-through video that will give an immersive and detailed view of the plans for our Sanctuary and adjacent parts of campus. You won’t want to miss this!

Be praying about how you will participate in Mission 1:8 One Desire. We’re encouraging our leaders to make their two-year financial commitments on Sunday night, December 8 at Advanced Commitment Night. We’re asking our whole church family to make their commitments by December 15, Commitment Sunday. Mission 1:8 funds our ministry budget, as well as the campus restoration project.

Even more importantly, be praying about how you can make Jesus Christ your one desire! Christ is building His church, and He builds His church through transformed hearts and lives. We want that for you!

Wednesday, November 13, 2024 Update:

We have a video update for you today from Dr. Ben Lovvorn. So much is happening!

The demolition process on the interior of the Sanctuary site is underway again. Removing debris is the next step in the process, as we make progress toward the new construction. You’ll start seeing new equipment around campus, including multiple cranes. Demolition will likely conclude in mid-January. Then, further work on the remaining walls will take place.

The on-site portion of the investigation is complete. Investigators have ruled out arson but have not yet come to a conclusion on the specific cause. We will update you if a definitive cause is determined.

Thank you for your steadfast prayers on behalf of our church! This means so much to us. Much has been accomplished, much remains to be done, but we’re doing this together and God is seeing us through.

Please continue to pray about how you can be part of the rebuilding effort through giving. We will have an Advanced Commitment Night service with Matthew West on Sunday, December 8 at 5:30PM in the Worship Center. This is when leaders are encouraged to make their two-year financial commitments to Mission 1:8. The next week, December 15, will be Commitment Sunday at First Dallas, where we encourage our entire congregation to make their two-year commitments.

To help you prepare spiritually to make your two-year commitment, we have prepared the One Desire Commitment Prayer Guide. This 10-day guide walks through Psalm 90. That psalm ends with words that are especially appropriate for us right now: “Let the favor of the Lord our God be on us. Establish for us the work of our hands—establish the work of our hands!” Let’s pray together that God would be glorified as we seek to do His work here!

Wednesday, November 6, 2024 Update:

Here’s a video update for you today from Dr. Ben Lovvorn:

Investigators are currently at work surveying the Historic Sanctuary site. They are looking for a potential cause of the fire. If we are able to determine a cause, please know that we intend to share this with you. We hope to complete the investigation process this week. This will allow us to resume the demolition process soon, potentially as early as next week.

Significant work continues behind the scenes. We continue to proceed with the restoration of the Criswell Center, which will be operational about a year from now. We are also working with our architects to continue to develop plans for the new Sanctuary and surrounding areas of campus. Please take advantage of every opportunity you have to learn more!

Congratulations to our 47th president on his election last night. Continue praying for our nation’s leaders, that God would protect and guide them! Pray that God’s will would be done in our country—through our laws, policies, and institutions—as the Lord draws us all closer to Himself.

Our fervor for our mission cannot grow cold. Now is not the time to rest. God is giving us a window of opportunity to advance His kingdom, to build the church of Jesus Christ! Let’s recommit ourselves to prayer, to service, and to generosity.

We’re excited to worship together this Sunday and hear from our Pastor on the foundational question, “How can I know God is good, when there is so much suffering in the world?” See you Sunday!

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 Update:

Here’s an update for you today from Dr. Ben Lovvorn:

Last week, we were able to transition to a new temporary power source on campus. That has allowed us to relocate and remove several pieces of equipment on Ervay, including the large (and very loud) generators.

The fountain is up and running again! The equipment that operates our iconic fountain was destroyed in the fire. But our team worked with experts to find a way to restore it. The fountain is much more than just a fountain! It represents what God is doing here.

We see so many signs of God’s blessing amidst the work that happens each day. Our ministries aren’t slowing down—they are all moving forward with a focus on making disciples and reaching new people each week.

On Sunday, please make sure you’re here to hear about Mission 1:8 One Desire, our ministry plan for the next two years. At a fundamental level, we’re asking, “What next step can you take to make Jesus Christ your one desire in life?” We want the next two years to be a time of growth in your relationship with the Lord. We’ll also show you a preview of what God can do through us, as we work to rebuild our Sanctuary and enhance our church campus. God can do a great work here!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 Update:

We have an update for you today from Dr. Ben Lovvorn:

We’ve been working to develop a temporary power source, in order to be less reliant on the generators we’ve been using since the fire. It’s taken longer than anticipated, but that process is nearly complete. This will allow us to remove the large generator and remove some equipment from the street.

We greatly appreciate our neighbors in downtown Dallas! We know this has been an inconvenience for you. Thank you for supporting us through this journey as we recover from the fire.

The investigation into the cause of the fire has been delayed. It is now scheduled for the first week of November. The demolition process will then be allowed to move forward from there.

Much of the work happening right now is taking place behind the scenes, but you will see signs of progress each and every week when you come to church.

Stay encouraged! We know many of you are displaced and having to make accommodations each week. This is just a season—and it’s leading up to a great celebration of an even better campus than we’ve ever had before! The ministry continues to move forward, as lives are being changed every Sunday.

In the days after the fire, our Pastor asked whether this would be the beginning of the end for our church or the beginning of our greatest era. We believe God can do an incredible work here at First Baptist Dallas, as we stay faithful to Him and continue to do His will!

Thursday, October 10, 2024 Update:

We have a new update for you today from Dr. Ben Lovvorn.

On Sundays, if you or your guest park in Ross Garage, you can now walk through the Criswell Center to get to worship. We’ll show you exactly what it looks like in this video! This tunnel is just one of many ways we’re working to make it easier to navigate campus each week.

You did an INCREDIBLE job inviting guests this past Sunday through our One Life initiative! We welcomed hundreds of guests, and we know of at least 100 people who made decisions for Christ. Praise the Lord!

We continue to make progress in recovering from the fire, and you’ll begin to see even more changes around campus over the next few weeks. We’re also working to be able to share initial plans for what we will rebuild on the Sanctuary site in the next several weeks. This is an exciting time! Please continue praying for God’s provision over every aspect.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024 Update:

October will be a big month! Learn more in today’s video update from Dr. Ben Lovvorn:

It has now been 10 weeks since the fire in our Historic Sanctuary. We expect the month of October to be a big month, as we make significant strides to restore and enhance our campus. Dr. Ben Lovvorn discusses this in today’s video update:

Good changes are coming to campus over the next few weeks. Much of the exterior equipment on Ervay Street will be removed or relocated soon, since we’ll have a temporary power solution in place. This will make it easier to navigate campus.

The investigation into the cause of the fire will be concluded by October 18. We will share any additional information we receive.

The completion of the investigation will allow us to begin demolition, clearing the Sanctuary site for the reconstruction phase of this project.

At the end of October, we will have initial plans to present to you for our campus reconstruction and new Sanctuary.

Be praying that God will be with us in this season, establishing and blessing our work. Pray for the continued ministry of our church, especially this Sunday for Invite-a-Guest Sunday. Ask that God would use us!

Tuesday, September 24, 2024 Update:

We have an update for you from Dr. Ben Lovvorn:

Cleaning in the Criswell Center will be completed soon. We’re still in the early stages of the process to fully restore the building, but we continue to make great progress.

Work is taking place on the Sanctuary site, which will then allow the investigation to be completed. Once this stage is finished, we’ll be able to complete the demolition work necessary to clean and clear the site for new construction.

We have some solutions coming that will allow us to reduce the amount of heavy equipment we have, which will make it easier to navigate campus.

Although we are in the midst of a major project, we are still blessed with incredible facilities! We have a beautiful Worship Center where we can worship together each Sunday. We have great classroom space for all of our Sunday School classes to be able to meet for study and fellowship every week. We still have full access to all five parking garages, with plenty of space for everyone.

Not only is this making it possible for all of us to continue to follow Jesus Christ in community together, but it’s a great time to invite others to join you here. If you or someone you know has never visited First Baptist Dallas in person, come give it a try this Sunday. We’ll be here, ready to welcome you!

Thursday, September 19, 2024 Update:

We have a great update for you today on our progress and priorities:

Our project team had a design meeting today with architects at Beck, where we discussed early concepts for the rebuilt Sanctuary. It’s been exciting to begin to imagine what this could become. We hope to bring you some of these renderings in the next several weeks!

We have three major priorities as we work to restore the rest of our campus. 1) We’ve completed demo work inside the Criswell Center and are now able to begin restoring some areas. 2) We’re working on a temporary power solution for Criswell, which will enable us to keep making progress as we work toward a permanent solution. 3) Teams are working now to complete the fire investigation. This will allow us to proceed with completing the demolition inside the Sanctuary site.

We want you to know we are working every day to improve everyone’s experience on campus. We are constantly reevaluating and working through various solutions to try to make navigating our campus simple and safe. We also want to allow room for our church to continue growing during this season, as God brings more people each week!

Our Pastor’s “How Can I Know?” series continues Sunday. Be praying about who you can invite to join you on October 6, Invite-a-Guest Sunday!

Friday, September 13, 2024 Update:

Here is today’s update from Dr. Ben Lovvorn:

As we said earlier this week, bringing the Criswell Center back online will be a significant project. But we’re happy to report that we continue to make progress in remediating and restoring Criswell.

The investigation continues at the Sanctuary site. We’re already dreaming and planning with our architects about what the rebuilt Sanctuary and the adjacent space can become. In God’s strength and through His provision, we believe we can honor the past and at the same time enhance and expand our church’s ministry.

Start thinking and praying about how you can join in this effort. We’re not merely rebuilding a building; we’re being called by God to build our generation’s legacy. That includes how we serve, how we invite, how we give, and how we seek to conform our hearts to the Lord’s will in everything. What we do today builds the church that First Baptist Dallas will be in the years and decades ahead.

We look forward to being together for worship this Sunday! We’ll celebrate the Jeffress family’s 17th anniversary at our church. And our Pastor will begin his new sermon series, “How Can I Know?” God is doing great things here!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024 Update:

We’ve got an update for you today from Dr. Ben Lovvorn:

Important work continues across our campus every day. At the Historic Sanctuary site, teams are continuing to investigate possible causes for the fire. Demo work is happening in the Criswell Center lobby, to remediate and restore damaged areas.

We have an update on the project timeline—both good news and bad news. The bad news: as expected, it’s going to be about a year before we can bring the Criswell Center back online. Significant work on the electrical and mechanical systems will take time to complete. The good news: we’re working on a weekly basis to make navigating our campus as easy as possible, so you can access Sunday School and other ministry programming. We’re even talking about potential options for meeting new spaces.

We don’t merely want to survive this season. We want to grow. The church’s mission of making disciples must continue to advance, no matter what challenges we face. Our task is to open up spaces where ministries can thrive and expand, which then enables you to invite people who need to know the Lord to join you here at First Dallas.

God has a great blessing in store for all of us on the other side of this! He is doing a great work here. Don’t grow weary of doing good! (1 Corinthians 15:58)

Dr. Jeffress is starting the sermon series “How Can I Know?” this Sunday, and we look forward to celebrating the Jeffress family’s 17th anniversary at First Baptist Dallas!

Friday, September 6, 2024 Update:

Much work has been happening behind the scenes this week! Here is what Dr. Ben Lovvorn will discuss in today’s video update:

We have chosen an architectural firm to partner with for reconstructing the Sanctuary and restoring our campus—Beck Architecture. They were our partners when we built the new campus and the Horner Family Center expansion. We’re excited to get to work with them again.

Work has been happening this week by a team of experts to preserve the Sanctuary’s remaining stained glass. We hope to restore as much of it as possible and incorporate it into the rebuilt Sanctuary.

This Sunday is going to be exciting! For our kids and students—it’s promotion Sunday, so you’ll have the chance to meet new teachers and start the new Sunday School year. All of our kindergartners will be presented with a Bible in the 11AM service, to welcome them into weekly worship. Our Pastor will be bringing a special message on how Christians should vote.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024 Update:

Dr. Ben Lovvorn has an update for us today from the basement of the Criswell Center, where crucial work is happening right now to restore our campus to full operation. The project has three parallel tracks:

Preparing the Sanctuary site. Work is ongoing to prepare the site for rebuilding the Sanctuary. We will seek to honor the past, while at the same time looking ahead to the future and facilitating our ministry for decades to come.

Restoring critical infrastructure. We are making progress on finding both a temporary and a permanent solution to restore power to the Criswell Center.

Remediating adjacent facilities. Once power is restored in the Criswell Center, we can proceed with additional phases of remediation and restoration work in that facility.

We want to encourage you to continue to abide in Christ each day. He is our source of life and power. “Apart from me you can do nothing,” Jesus said. But He promised: “Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit” (John 15:5).

Friday, August 30, 2024 Update:

Church family,

We have a video update for you today with some helpful information, as we get ready for this weekend:This Sunday, we will have a new way available for you to enter campus. When you park in Spurgeon Harris or Providence garage, you can now cross Ervay and enter the Worship Center.The path we’ve created will bring you inside at level 1, outside of Lovvorn Hall. From there you can easily make it inside for worship or for your Sunday School class. Today’s video update will show you how.We’re doing everything possible to make it easy to navigate campus!

Sunday will be a special time together as a church, as we take the Lord’s Supper together. In doing this, we remember the broken body and shed blood of our Savior (1 Corinthians 11:23–26). His sacrifice has saved us and set us free. Let’s celebrate that amazing truth together.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024 Update:

Here are today’s updates from our Executive Pastor, Dr. Ben Lovvorn:

The investigation into the cause of the fire will continue in the Historic Sanctuary site for the next few weeks. The Dallas Fire Department is leading this effort, in conjunction with others.

Crews were able to retrieve some historical items from the Sanctuary basement. We will be using a sophisticated, months-long process to potentially restore these items.

In collaboration with our construction partners, we will soon open a foot path with a ramp that will allow you to enter the campus through the Lovvorn Hall entrance on Level 1 of the Worship Center. This will be open on Sundays, and it makes parking in the Spurgeon Harris or Ervay garages much more convenient. We’re doing everything possible to make it easier and easier to navigate our campus each week!

Please pray for God’s continued favor over this work, for God to use us to reach more people for Jesus Christ, and for continued protection from spiritual warfare. And please know that our staff is praying for you, church!

Friday, August 23, 2024 Update:

We’ve got an update for you today from inside the construction zone. Significant work remains to be done, but we’re making great strides each day. The fire investigation in the Sanctuary site is ongoing, and we will update you on that as we know more. We so appreciate the continued partnership we have with Dallas Fire Rescue as well as the city of Dallas, who have made it possible for us to do this important work preserving our church campus, clearing the site, and making the area safe and navigable for our church members. This situation will get easier and easier each week as we make more and more progress! Please continue praying for safety, speed, and success in the work being done by all the teams working throughout the campus.

Thursday, August 22, 2024 Update:

Dr. Ben Lovvorn has an update for you today from inside the Criswell Center:

The Worship Center and Horner Family Center are fully operational. We praise the Lord for this, and we’re grateful to have space to do ministry and worship together each week!

Teams are still working to restore power to the Criswell Center and continuing to assess the level of damage done and remediation needed. This will be a long process.

Let’s not forget the true goal and true work of the church. Our ultimate goal isn’t merely to have beautiful, functioning buildings. The most vital construction project of the church is the renovation and transformation of each person’s heart. By the work of the Holy Spirit, we are to be further conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. Pray that this vital, all-important, heart-level would continue in each of us each day.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024 Update:

Church family, we have a special update to share with you today. Dr. Ben Lovvorn takes us inside the walls of the Sanctuary, giving a construction update from the very spot where our historic pulpit stood for over a century. We’re making great progress in cleaning the site so that we can begin to plan for the future work to be done there! We trust God with the future and are already anticipating the incredible things He can and will do at First Baptist Dallas.

Friday, August 16, 2024 Update:

Church family, we hit a big milestone this week in the ongoing work to restore our campus! Sunday School is back. Here’s the update and a message from our Executive Pastor, Dr. Ben Lovvorn:

For the last four weeks, we’ve been working non-stop to restore the space our Sunday School ministry needs to operate. This Sunday, every class will have a place to meet!

Our children’s ministry classrooms were already excellent. But when your kids get here this Sunday, their rooms will be even better! As a part of the campus restoration process, we have all new chairs, cribs, toys, books, supplies, and more in floors 1–3 of the Horner Family Center. It’s all in place and ready to go.

This Sunday is “I Love My Church Sunday.” We’ll hear a powerful message from our Pastor, will be led in worship by Dr. Cliff Duren, and will receive a free t-shirt (yes… we even have onesies!). It’s going to be such a great morning of praising our Lord and studying His Word together.

Thursday, August 15, 2024 Update:

Church family, here’s the update for today!

We’re still in the first phase of the construction process with the Historic Sanctuary, the crisis response and emergency management phase. Teams of experts are working, in consultation with the Dallas Fire Department, to remove debris safely. Soon we’ll be able to turn our attention to the longer-term phase, the reconstruction.

We’re celebrating “I Love My Church” this Sunday! We love the church because Christ loves the church and gave Himself for her (Ephesians 5:25). This will be a joyful time of gathering together, worshipping the Lord, hearing from God’s Word through our Pastor, and much more.

We’ll have an update for you tomorrow from our Horner Family Center. You’ll be excited to see the incredible work that has been done there, in preparation for welcoming our kids back to Sunday School!

Thank you for your constant support and prayers. We are a blessed church, and we know God is doing a great work here among us!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024 Update:

Church family, here’s what you will hear about in our update from Dr. Ben Lovvorn today:

Selective demolition and debris cleanup continues moving forward at the Sanctuary site. This work will enable the Dallas Fire Department to resume its investigation into the possible cause of the fire.

We have SO MUCH happening this Sunday, August 18! Our Pastor, Dr. Robert Jeffress, will be continuing his powerful new series, Jesus Revealed in the End Times. Our new Minister of Music and Worship, Dr. Cliff Duren, will be leading us. We’ll have free t-shirts for “I Love My Church” Sunday. Worship service times are now 9 & 11. Sunday School is back for all ages at 8, 9:15, and 11. Please join us!

We’re encouraging everyone to bring a special thank offering on Sunday, as a way of praising the Lord for His goodness to us through this season.

Here’s how you can pray this week: 1) pray for success in the selective demolition, 2) pray for this Sunday to be a joyful time of celebration and worship together, and 3) pray for the long-term ministry of the church—ask God to transform lives and bring Himself greater glory than we could ever have imagined!

Friday, August 9, 2024 Update:

Church family, we’re excited to share how God has continued to answer our prayers each step of the way! Dr. Ben Lovvorn’s update today is about the great progress we’ve made across our campus and how the Lord can use this to draw more people to Himself:

The Historic Sanctuary’s exterior walls will look different when you see them on Sunday. That’s part of the plan to save them. Teams have carefully done selective demolition to a few sections of the walls that were unstable and at risk of collapse. This work has enabled us to stabilize other portions of the walls. We continue to work in concert with experts to preserve as much of the Sanctuary’s outer walls as possible.

The Horner Family Center has been professionally cleaned, inspected, and cleared for safe use by our kids, students, and adults! We have teams working around the clock to install furniture and contents. We’re still on track to have the HFC ready to go on August 18, so we can welcome back full Sunday School programming for all ages. We’ll continue to keep you informed about the progress next week.

Our staff is energized and hard at work, ministering to our church family and preparing diligently to resume all of our programming. We can’t wait! Thank you for praying for them.

When Nehemiah and the people of Israel completed the wall around Jerusalem, the nations around them recognized “that this work had been accomplished with the help of our God” (Nehemiah 6:16). We’re eager for this to happen here at First Baptist Dallas. One day this reconstruction will all be completed, and on that day, we want our city and our world to see that it was only accomplish by God’s help and provision. Pray toward that end!

See you Sunday!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024 Update:

Church family, on Monday we asked you to pray for three things: for our campus, for our staff, and against spiritual warfare. In today’s video update, Dr. Ben Lovvorn shares how God is already beginning to answer those requests!

For our campus: We have continued to make rapid progress each day throughout the campus. We’re working to restore the Horner Family Center back to full operation and remain on track for being back to full Sunday School programming by Sunday, August 18. We also have plans in place and ready to go for this Sunday’s church family photo and for “I Love My Church” Sunday the following week.

For our staff: Our entire staff met together yesterday for a time of encouragement from our Pastor, Dr. Jeffress. The staff is energized and eager to continue ministering to you and your family. We can’t wait for more ministries and events to start back soon! We’re ready to go.

Against spiritual warfare: We know that there is a spiritual enemy who seeks to attack and devour us. But if we obey God’s will and trust in Him, we know He will give us the victory! We are already seeing great fruit and incredible ways that God is working. Don’t let Satan isolate you by disconnecting you from the body of Christ. Let’s keep seeking after the Lord together!

Church, God hears your prayers. He is working. Continue to go before Him with every need you have. And remember that our staff is praying for YOU as well!

Monday, August 5, 2024 Update:

Today, Dr. Ben Lovvorn gives us an update about our special plans for the upcoming two weeks, August 11 & 18. Here’s what you need to know:

On Sunday, August 11, we will have one service at 11am in the Worship Center. We will not have childcare available yet. After the service, we will all take a photo in front of the Historic Sanctuary as one big church family!

On Sunday, August 18, we are planning to be back in Sunday School for all age divisions. This Sunday is our “I Love My Church Sunday,” where you can pick up a commemorative t-shirt. As the Lord leads you, we are encouraging everyone to bring a special thank offering to celebrate the Lord’s goodness to us. August 18 will also be the first Sunday that our Minister of Music and Worship Dr. Cliff Duren, will lead worship with our Choir & Orchestra.

Church, we are asking that you pray for three things this week. First, progress in the continued work on our campus as we prepare to come back with Sunday School programming in the next two weeks. Second, endurance for our staff and church as we continue to minister to those around us. Third, against spiritual warfare—our God is greater and we will overcome in Him!

Friday, August 2, 2024 Update:

Church family, Dr. Ben Lovvorn shares a word of encouragement with us today based on Isaiah 43:19. The Lord says, “Behold, I am doing a new thing.” That is the good news of the gospel, freely available to all who would put their faith in Jesus Christ. Sin destroys. You can have a new beginning today in Him.

If you’ve never been to church before, or haven’t been to church in a long time, Christ is offering you a new start. We invite you to join us here at First Baptist Dallas this Sunday. We would love to share with you about God’s forgiveness and the eternal, life-changing hope found only in Him!

See you at 11AM on Sunday in our Worship Center.

Thursday, August 1, 2024 Updates:

Today, Dr. Ben Lovvorn’s update comes from inside our Worship Center! Everything is ready for our church family to worship together this Sunday. Here’s the plan:

We will have one worship service at 11AM. Childcare isn’t available yet—families can worship together.
Dr. Jeffress will be here, R.T. Kendall is bringing the message, and our Choir & Orchestra will lead in worship. Although there are currently only two entrances available into the Worship Center, all of our normal emergency exits are available. These are clearly marked for your information and safety. If you are a Sunday School leader: please stay after the service for a 30-minute meeting with Dr. Ben Lovvorn and Ryland Whitehorn. We’ll talk through the plan for resuming full Sunday School programming.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024 Updates:

Church family, we have an update from Dr. Ben Lovvorn about this Sunday, August 4. We will be back on campus in the Worship Center! Teams of people have been working tirelessly to make this possible. Here’s what you need to know for Sunday:

We will have one worship service at 11AM in the Worship Center. Childcare will not be available yet—families will worship together. The only two entrances into campus are at the street level on St. Paul or through the Level 2 Skybridge from the Horner Family Center. All of our parking garages are open and functional, but the route you take to park and then to enter the Worship Center may be affected. We will send out more detailed parking and walking instructions later this week.

Throughout all of this, the reason we are going to such great lengths to be able to worship together is because we are the body of Christ. Scripture calls us to make a habit out of coming together to worship our Lord, so we can encourage one another and stir each other up to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24–25). This is what the church of Jesus Christ will do until He returns!

Church family, today’s video update is from our Pastor, Dr. Robert Jeffress! This Sunday, our hope is to worship together back on campus at First Baptist Dallas in the Worship Center. You’ll hear a special message from Dr. R.T. Kendall, longtime Pastor at Westminster Chapel in London. On Sunday, August 18, we will have “I Love My Church Sunday,” a day to express our gratitude to God for His love and provision for us. We encourage you to bring a special offering that day. We’ll also welcome our new Minister of Music & Worship, Dr. Cliff Duren! Remember, God causes all things to work together for good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28). God can use even the hardest things in our lives to draw us closer to Himself. When difficult things happen, what matters is how we respond. In the decades to come, the fire of 2024 will be seen as a milestone event. Let’s make it the beginning of a new and incredible era for First Baptist Dallas.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024 Update:

Church family, in today’s update Dr. Ben Lovvorn takes us on a guided tour through the worksite.
In the Historic Sanctuary, the scaffolding and cable system that will secure the external walls is nearly complete. In the Criswell Center, we are taking steps to control the climate inside the building and restore power. The Horner Family Center is currently being cleaned, restocked, and prepared to host Sunday School for all ages. In the Worship Center, we’re testing our systems and equipment, doing some final cleanings, and we’re nearly ready to welcome everyone back for worship this Sunday! We’re making incredible progress each day to get our campus back to full operation and to get our church family together here soon.

Monday, July 29, 2024 Update:

Church family, in today’s update from Dr. Ben Lovvorn, we have three prayer requests to share with you for the week ahead.

1. Pray for the continued restoration of our church campus. We are making significant progress in shoring up and reinforcing the walls of the Sanctuary. We are planning to return to campus for worship this Sunday and soon after to return to Sunday School and other programming. Pray that these efforts would be successful!

2. Pray for the ongoing ministry of our church. The ministry of the church may change forms, but it can never stop! Pray for our staff and our members to continue growing spiritually and encouraging each other throughout this time.

3. Pray against Satan’s attacks. We know that our real enemy is not flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:10–12). Satan would love to use this circumstance to distract us or slow down the work God has called us to do. Pray that just the opposite would happen—that God would use this for His greater glory and our good.

Friday, July 26, 2024 Update:

In today’s update from Dr. Ben Lovvorn, First Baptist Dallas will meet for worship at 11AM on Sunday at the Dallas Convention Center. The live-steam of Sunday’s service will be available via our iCampus and other normal channels. You will hear from us soon with updated parking instructions for the Convention Center to make it a simple and easy experience. Work continues throughout our campus to preserve the Sanctuary and restore the Worship Center to normal operation. We hope to be back in worship on campus next Sunday, August 4. Our church’s mission continues to advance through Mission 1:8 WIN NOW, as we seek to reach as many people as possible with the gospel. Please continue to give generously. You can do this easily and securely here.

Thursday, July 25, 2024 Update:

In the 7/25/24 update from Dr. Ben Lovvorn, we have made significant progress today in stabilizing and supporting the outer walls of the Historic Sanctuary. Crews are working 24 hours a day to continue restoring our campus back to normal operations, focusing primarily in the Worship Center and the Horner Family Center. We will make a decision at midday tomorrow about where to hold this Sunday’s worship service. You will hear from us as soon as we make that decision. This is going to be a marathon, not a sprint. The work will happen in stages. But we know that God will provide at each step! Our mission never stops. But we need your help. Continue to pray for the work happening throughout our campus. As God leads you, please continue to give generously to Mission 1:8 WIN NOW or the “Church Campus Redevelopment” fund.

Wednesday, July 24 2024 Update:

This July 24 video update from Dr. Ben Lovvorn is focused on our ongoing collaboration with Dallas Fire-Rescue and the City of Dallas. We are grateful to our Mayor, Fire Chief, and many others who have helped us secure and preserve the Historic Sanctuary site.

Tuesday, July 23 2024 Update:

In this July 23, 2024 video update, our Executive Pastor, Dr. Ben Lovvorn, shares the most up-to-date news regarding our work to preserve the Sanctuary, the tentative plan for this weekend’s worship services, and how you can pray and help.

Friday, July 19 & Sunday, July 21, 2024 Update:

On Friday evening, July 19, a four-alarm fire destroyed the 134-year-old Historic Sanctuary of First Baptist Church, Dallas. By God’s grace, there were no injuries. On Sunday morning, July 21, the campus was inaccessible, so the church family gathered with Senior Pastor Dr. Robert Jeffress and Executive Pastor Dr. Ben Lovvorn for a worship service at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in downtown Dallas. While this is a difficult circumstance, we know the church isn’t about a building but the people, and we are grateful for our church body. We praise God for His protection and provision through this circumstance and trust that He will work it together for good.

We plan to rebuild the Historic Sanctuary and hope to return to our Worship Center in the coming weeks.

Watch Senior Pastor, Dr. Robert Jeffress’ remarks about the four-alarm fire in the Historic Sanctuary on Friday night here.


Watch the full service from Sunday, July 21, including worship and the inspiring sermon from Dr. Ben Lovvorn, here.