Mission 1:8 Courageous Devotional | 2020 - Day 12
Courage to Stand
By Abigail Miller
“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?”
Esther 4:14
Have you ever been on a roller coaster before? If you have, then you are very familiar with that physical feeling of your stomach flipping around inside of you, almost up to your chest, and then down again. We sometimes feel this type of physical response when we are getting ready to do something that makes us nervous—going to a job interview, having a hard conversation with someone, or even when we face a fear.
I imagine that Queen Esther felt something along these lines when she was faced with the hardest decision she would ever make—a decision that would risk her life. I imagine that she felt that stomach-dropping, sweaty palms, panic in her soul when she had to decide whether or not she was going to risk her life for the safety of her people.
Let’s back-track a little. Esther was chosen by King Ahasuerus to be his new queen because she found favor in his eyes. But soon after, Esther’s own people, the Jews, were placed in danger due to the anger of Haman, one of the King’s men.
When Esther’s cousin Mordecai approached her, he knew that she was the only one who could save their people, but he also knew what a great risk it was for Esther. No one was allowed to approach the king without being called upon first, and Esther had not been called upon. She would be acting against the law, which could result in her death.
Esther decided that she would be courageous and approach the king. She stated that “if I perish, I perish” (Esther 4:16). When we look at characters in the Bible who display great courage, I find that there is a common thread between them. God uses people who are 100 percent committed and confident in Him and His will—despite how it affects them—to accomplish an incredible miracle.
Look at Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego when they faced a fiery furnace. With full confidence in the Lord, they said, “but even if he does not,” the Lord is still good (Daniel 3:18). Another example is Mary the mother of Jesus. She faced total social rejection and potentially harsher consequences as a result of her pregnancy. But Scripture shows that she had full faith and confidence in the Lord, and He not only provided for her, He used her as a part of the greatest event to happen in all of history. These are just a few examples of the many men and women whom the Lord used to accomplish incredible things for His will.
If we are fully confident in the Lord and have faith in Him, then we open ourselves up for Him to use us in a greater way than we could ever imagine. It is not by chance or a random event that we are where we are in this life right now. The Lord is ready to use us “for such a time as this” to accomplish His great plan and purpose (Esther 4:14).
Esther approached the king, and she found favor with him. He listened to her and heard her cry, and because of her great courage, she was able to save her people. Time and time again, the Lord uses those who have full trust in Him to accomplish and impact the kingdom in incredible ways. He can use you and me the same way if we trust him and have the courage to stand firm.
Questions for Thought
- What areas in your life do you need to let go of and let the Lord take control over?
- There is a common saying, “Bloom where you are planted.” How can you apply this principle to your life right now?
Daily Challenge
We are often focused on the here and now or on the future. We can easily forget all that God has already brought us through and done for us in our past. Identify and reflect on areas in your past where God has been faithful to carry you through a trial or a difficult season as a result of your courage and faithfulness in Him.
Author Bio
Abigail Miller
Abigail is a graduate from Baylor University. She loves serving the Lord’s kingdom every day through her work at First Dallas on the Communications team. She enjoys traveling the world, spending time with her family, reading, and running outdoors.