Mission 1:8 WIN NOW Devotional | 2022 - Day 13
Better Keep Your Promise
By Ryland Whitehorn
“If a man makes a vow to the Lord, or takes an oath to bind himself with a binding obligation, he shall not violate his word; he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.” – Numbers 30:2
Many years ago, my wife Renea and I served in a small Alabama church. It was a good church, but I became restless and a little bored with the day-to-day ministry routine after a few years. I began asking the Lord to provide us with a new opportunity. I wanted to do “big and exciting” things for God. I wanted to be on the cutting edge of ministry and change the world for the cause of Christ! Well, God heard my prayer and answered it almost immediately, but not in the way I had intended Him to.
A church pastor in another state contacted me about a minister of education position that would allow me to come and lead the church’s Sunday School. The problem was that the church was in another state, far from our families and support system. The church was also numerically small—really small. The salary package was about half of what I was making at my current church. The pastor said that if we did not grow the church significantly, we would probably be out of a job within six months or so.
My immediate response to God was to inform Him that He had made a mistake and He needed to find me a better church that was more deserving of my great potential. My immature idea of doing “big and exciting” things for God meant that He would place me in a much bigger church with a significant increase in pay and all that came along with that.
I informed Renea that I had “discerned through prayer” that it was not God’s will for us to go to that church for the reasons previously stated. She smiled at me and then lovingly told me I was a hypocrite and spiritually immature. She reminded me that I had asked God to use us to do big things for Him. I had no right to set the conditions to suit my expectations. She strongly and lovingly recommended that I rethink my decision and keep my promise to God. I did.
We accepted the call to this new and struggling church and saw God do incredible work over the next 14 years. We got to be a part of many “big and exciting” things! I believe with all of my heart that God sent us to that church to prepare us for our service at First Dallas. Over the last 14 years, God has done even bigger things in our lives and ministry. I shudder to think what blessings and opportunities we would have missed if I had rejected His call 28 years ago. I’m thankful that my wife dared to speak the truth to me. I’m grateful God had patience with me and did not give up on me.
Still today, I have moments when I want to run in the wrong direction or adjust my promise to God. It’s usually because I am fearful or just lazy. But then I remember how He has always kept His promises to me and I must keep my promises to Him. As the Scripture says, “let your yes be yes.” Let me encourage you to ask God to do great things in you and through you. When He answers, just say yes. Let God work out the details. He will give you the strength and wisdom to succeed wherever He sends you. Your greatest days are just ahead!
- Have you ever run from God’s call? It’s never too late to back up and run in the right direction.
- Do you ask God to use you in big ways? You can and you should. Trust Him and He will use YOU!
Take time every day to renew your promises to God. Make a daily commitment to pray, study the Bible, and serve God somehow. When you focus on keeping your promises to God, you will experience great joy and peace in every area of your life.
Questions for Thought
1. Have you ever run from God’s call? It’s never too late to back up and run in the right direction.
2. Do you ask God to use you in big ways? You can and you should. Trust Him and He will use YOU!
Daily Challenge
Take time every day to renew your promises to God. Make a daily commitment to pray, study the Bible, and serve God somehow. When you focus on keeping your promises to God, you will experience great joy and peace in every area of your life.
Learn more about Mission 1:8 WIN NOW here!
Author Bio
Ryland Whitehorn
Executive Pastor of Ministries
Ryland believes the church should be the center of our community, operating as a New Testament church to serve as “home” for thousands of people. Ryland and his wife, Renea, have two married daughters, Shea and Kelsi, and four grandchildren.