Christmas Devotional | 2020 - Day 20
A Custom Sign for Christmas
By Kariss Dickerson

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.”
Hebrews 10:23
I knew a ring was coming. I just didn’t know when. We had been careful not to talk too much about engagement. In fact, we had one conversation to make sure we were on the same page, and then we didn’t mention it again. But because I know Josh is a man of his word, I knew he wasn’t playing games. A ring was coming, and my role was to wait patiently and expectantly, confident in what we were building.
So with that promise in mind, I started working on his Christmas gift…in October. I may be a little bit of a planner and a dreamer, but I had the perfect idea, and I just couldn’t wait.
Josh’s favorite country song is an old Darius Rucker tune with a chorus that says, “Thank God for all I missed ‘cause it led me here to this.” It is a song that talks about all the closed doors that ultimately led him right where he needs to be, to something far better than he originally longed for. Both Josh and I navigated long seasons of singleness while praying for a spouse. The Lord redirected and turned down our plans and people who, in the moment, felt like a great fit. This lyric felt perfect to gift Josh for Christmas in the form of a custom sign for our someday home.
I worked with a friend to get the script and spacing just right. And then I ordered it. I figured if we weren’t engaged by Christmas, then I would hold onto it to give as a wedding gift. I was confident in my gift, confident in our relationship, and confident in the promise of someday.
Sure enough, the very next weekend, there was a sparkly ring on my hand in the sweetest fall proposal ever. And while I knew a ring was coming, I was still completely surprised at the timing. I actually thought the pumpkin and flower set up near the waterfall was for someone else. Joke’s on me.
But isn’t this the way it should be with our heavenly Father? We have a God who sent His Son to earth as a baby. Christmas is about hope. His coming, His life, His death, His resurrection, and His promise to return all should fill us with a hopeful expectation that we can count on. We know He is a God of His word (2 Timothy 2:13). We can plan on eternity (John 10:27-28). We can count on His love (1 John 4:7-8). We can hold fast to His promise (Hebrews 10:23).
The groom is coming back for his bride. There will be no more sorrow or fear or uncertainty. There will be hope fulfilled, love, and life everlasting worshipping the King of Kings. In the same way I made plans because I knew I could count on Josh, we can plan our days counting on eternity to come. Our Savior came, and He is coming again. His promise is a gift, and this Christmas—no matter what the world looked like this year—we are people who have hope. And one day, we will fully understand those country lyrics (in more eloquent terms): “Thank God for all I missed ‘cause it led me here to THIS.” Merry Christmas. May you be filled with hope.
Author Bio
Kariss Dickerson
Kariss serves on staff creating content and writing for the church. She believes that powerful stories can change lives for the kingdom, and she loves helping people share their testimonies of grace. She is the author of four books, new wife to Josh, and new puppy parent to Maverick.