Christmas Devotional | 2020 - Day 11
We Are the Reason
By John Bernard
“Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.”
James 1:17
As children we all dreamed of Christmas morning, didn’t we? In the days following Thanksgiving, the traditional countdown began to that much anticipated day. The gifts and toys we hoped to find nestled under the Christmas tree was all our minds could focus on at times. We made our lists and checked them way more than twice.
Do you remember your favorite Christmas gift as a child? Looking back, I am not sure whether it was the hand crank Mr. Peanut at age three, the Teepee tent at age four, or the purple Schwinn Stingray bicycle with the banana seat and raised handlebars at age eight that I hold as my favorite gift growing up.
Wait…it was definitely the bike!
Have you noticed as we get older our perspective about gifts changes? We learn more about gifts and what giving means. As an adult, that saying I heard often as a child rings true, “It is better to give than to receive.” I am so thankful for the sacrifices my single parent mom made to make sure Christmas was special for us. She had little to work with financially, but she made each Christmas memorable because she loved her children deeply.
One night long ago, in a little town called Bethlehem, God demonstrated His love for us when He sacrificially gave us the greatest gift anyone could ever hope to receive. He gave His one and only Son to the world. Born in a stable surrounded by few and recognized by even fewer entered the Savior of the world—a baby who would one day grow up to offer us the matchless gift of eternal life.
Eternal life through Jesus Christ is God’s gift to us! We celebrate Christmas for that very reason. This gift doesn’t come wrapped in pretty paper tied with a bow, but it is given to each of us for the receiving.
David Meece is the writer of one of my all-time favorite Christmas songs. The song is called “We Are the Reason”, and I enjoy hearing it every year. In his song, he reminds us that “a Baby born one blessed night gave us the greatest gift of our lives. To a world that was lost, He gave all He could give.”
As you go through this season, I hope you will reflect on Christmas past and present. God gave all He could give. Christmas really isn’t about what is under the tree, rather it’s about our Savior who placed Himself on a tree to give us the greatest gift ever!
Merry Christmas to you!
Author Bio
John Bernard
Motivated to help others plug into First Dallas, John connects visitors and new members to Sunday School, membership, and ministry. When he’s not spending time with his wife, Cheryl, their three daughters, or six grandchildren, John is likely officiating a local sports event or relaxing on a beach somewhere.