Sunday School Devotional | 2020 - Day 3
Down A Hallway in A Classroom
By Cindy Murphy
“. . . blessed are those who hear the Word of God and keep it.”
Luke 11:28b
Some of my earliest childhood memories include attending church, specifically SundaySchool. I remember classrooms filled with loving teachers and other children. Even now, some of their names and faces come to mind. I recall hallways lined with classrooms at Hurstview Baptist Church, and I can picture the inside of a small classroom with built-in wooden benches surrounding the walls.
Arriving at that classroom with my small Bible and my offering envelope in hand, I was greeted by name and welcomed inside by a warm and caring Sunday School teacher. In classrooms like the one described, I learned about God’s character, about His love for me, and about His Son, Jesus. I learned about the sacrificial death of Jesus for my sins and the sins of the whole world. I learned to give offerings. I learned to read and memorize Bible verses. I learned to pray. I learned to love God’s Word. I learned to love people.
Recently, while at my parents’ home, I saw a trinket displayed on a bookshelf—nothing fancy, just a plaster-of-Paris paperweight bejeweled with marbles and a small, black and white photo of my smiling, childish face. Printed on the handcrafted item are these words: “Hear the Word of and do it.”
I first learned the importance of obeying God’s Word at home and in a Sunday School class. Many years have passed since my first Sunday in Sunday School, and through the years, there have been caring teachers who invested in my spiritual growth—the list is too long to share—but I can remember their faces, their teaching, their care for me, and the way they imparted biblical truth.
Today, it is my joy to study and share God’s Words with women of all walks of life in a classroom down a hallway at our church. As I write this, I picture their faces and ponder their stories. Because we learn God’s Word together, our lives are knit together by the grace of Jesus. We know each other’s burdens and struggles. We rejoice when it’s time to rejoice, weep when it’s time to weep. We pray together, and we prepare our hearts to welcome others whom God will bring.
Jesus said, “. . . blessed are those who hear the Word of God and keep it” (Luke 11:28b). While the words “Sunday School” are not found in the Bible, the mission of SundaySchool aligns with God’s Word. It includes reaching people with the gospel message, teaching people God’s Word, and ministering to the needs of people. God does mighty works in classrooms of all sizes when people’s lives are impacted by His Word.
Author Bio
Cindy Murphy
Vessels Women’s Class
Cindy realized her need for a Savior when she heard about God’s love and grace in Sunday School and church. As a result, she trusted Christ to save her at the age of twelve. By God’s grace, she has taught the Vessels Women’s for over twenty-five years. She and her husband, Doug, have been married over 30 years and love spending time with their three grandchildren.