Christmas Devotional | 2018 - Day 9
By Ryan Sadler

“Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.”
James 1:17
Good things come to those who wait. That’s what I was told my entire childhood when I would ask for something nine months before my birthday or want to jump in the pool in the middle of a Texas winter. Fast forward a few years. When Julia and I were married we didn’t have to wait on many things, but one season of life we knew we must wait on was the expansion of our family. We had educational and professional goals, as well as the goal to establish a solid identity as a married couple before any new additions came along. Finally, after seven long years of earning our degrees and Julia becoming a Licensed Professional Counselor, we felt it was time to “be fruitful and multiply.”
I’ve only been certain of a few things in life. First, I am sure of my salvation. Second, I know I’m supposed to be married to Julia. I’ve known that since eighth grade. Third, I’m supposed to be a father. However, that certainty started to take a toll after suffering the loss of three babies through miscarriage in one year. If “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights” then why was this happening? Obviously, those losses are by no means gifts. But when I look back, I can see that as we waited, God was shaping me into the believer, husband, and father He created me to be.
We are all subject to the perfect timing of the sovereign God of the universe. Julia and I began praying on our hands and knees multiple times a day that God would give us three children and that He would even bless us with multiples. Nine months later on December 6, 2017, Julia gave birth to the sweetest little girl, the most passionate young man, and another incredibly brave young man (Yes! Triplets!). Two weeks later, I received the best Christmas and birthday gift in my entire life when Julia and the medical team made it possible for me to hold all three of our children in the hospital at the same time.
Blair, Barrett, and Blake are the result of the goodness, faithfulness, and perfect timing of God. We can be confident that prayer works, God’s timing is best, and we are called to continue working while we wait on the Lord to move. God’s perfect gift isn’t always what we see, but who we become when we’re obedient.
What is your favorite Christmas song?
“Carol of the Bells” by Trans-Siberian Orchestra
What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Christmas Eve service
What is your favorite Christmas dish or drink?
Cranberry Tea
Author Bio
Ryan Sadler
Ryan Sadler
Minister to Students
Placing emphasis on making sure teenagers are spiritually equipped for college, Ryan fosters an environment where teenagers want to bring their friends and feel safe sharing their doubts and questions. Ryan is married to his junior-high sweetheart, Julia, and they love and adore their three triplet children, Blair, Barrett, and Blake.