Christmas Devotional | 2018 - Day 6
By Tim Rehkopf

“And Jesus said, ‘Come!’ And Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But seeing the wind, he became frightened and beginning to sink he cried out, ‘Lord, save me!’”
Matthew 14:29-30
This is one of my favorite passages in the Bible! Peter, an ordinary man, with imperfections and born into sin like all of us, walked on water! How did he do this? He had faith. Faith is believing that God is bigger than any self-diagnosed “impossibilities” you are facing. Peter had faith that Jesus was going to take care of him when he left the safety of the boat. While walking on the water, we see that Peter looked at the wind and waves, became frightened, and began to sink. As he sank, he cried out, “Lord save me!” and Jesus reached out, and simply asked, “Why are you afraid?”
In 2011 while a junior at Baylor University, I started noticing something strange. Simple physical tasks were causing extreme fatigue and a strange squeak would come from my heart beats. A cardiologist’s test revealed a small hole in between my ventricles. Our options would be to go in and patch the hole, or wait and see if it became a serious problem later in life.
We scheduled a more invasive scan to see the exact size of the hole in order for the doctors to give their recommendation. Fear overwhelmed me. I took my eyes off Jesus and began to let my circumstances dominate my thinking. I was sinking. One evening, while wallowing, my girlfriend (now wife!), asked me, “Do you believe this problem is too big for God?”
“No,” I answered.
“Then why are you afraid?” This resonated in my spirit. We began to pray and faith entered my heart. On the follow-up appointment, I was put under anesthesia and the doctors began their work. To their amazement and our delight, there was no longer a hole!
As we go through life, it is crucial we keep our eyes on Jesus and not let fear and doubt get a hold in our hearts. For Peter it was the wind and the waves that caused fear, and ultimately made him sink. Is there something in your life that is causing you to fear? Whether it is your health, finances, family issues, or anything that can bring fear, just remember to keep your eyes on Jesus, and you too can do the impossible. As we approach Christmas, remember the true reason we celebrate. Jesus came to earth, so we may have faith in Him, and through that faith we have everlasting life.
What is your favorite Christmas song?
“Silent Night”
What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Getting the family together and EATING!
What is your favorite Christmas dish or drink?
My grandmother’s homemade macaroni and cheese!
Author Bio
Tim Rehkopf
Tim Rehkopf
Associate Administrator
Tim is a graduate of Baylor University. He is an obsessive Baylor football fan and attends every home football game. When he isn’t spending time with his beautiful wife, Ashley, he is usually doing something car related.