Sunday School Devotional | 2021 - Day 16

Living Stones

By Randy Horton

“…As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to Him—you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For in Scripture, it says: ‘See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in Him will never be put to shame.’”

1 Peter 2:4-6

The smell of breakfast casserole and little pigs in their blankets fill the air. Coffee and a smorgasbord of creamer wait just for you (yay). The mad, late dash of that Jesus-follower who brought not one but TWO dozen Krispy Kreme donuts, well, that saint is going to receive crowns in heaven for sure!

Sunday School is where we hang, laugh, and for some of us (you know who you are) eye that corner piece of casserole with extra cheese (and those crispy edges) hoping no one takes it. But Sunday School AS a ministry? It’s where we get fed physically and spiritually, but do we go to be ministered to or to do ministry ourselves?

We love Jesus and want people ministered to; we have a heart to help and be of service (we brought muffins), but we feel inadequate or maybe even fearful of ‘real’ ministering. After all, we’re not trained to do what ministers do—we didn’t go to seminary, we don’t know Greek, and most certainly don’t know Hebrew. We should defer to them, right? Besides, what if we get asked a question we can’t answer or worse yet, we get it wrong?

Peter tells us that WE are living stones and a holy priesthood as a part of the house He is building. Jesus, as the precious cornerstone is first, yet we are chosen to be a part of the process as well as the final product (that spiritual house).

We aren’t just any stones. Isaiah 51:1 declares, “Listen to Me, you who pursue righteousness, who seek the Lord: look to the rock from which you were cut, and to the quarry from which you were dug.” In other words, God’s crafted us as a “chip off the old block” (with Jesus as the chief cornerstone).

What does that look like…our being a royal priesthood and a “chip off the old block”? Ministry is literally the building up of His house through any way and any act of service acceptable to Him.

Bringing that breakfast casserole? Absolutely. Being early, helping set up or greeting others (even if you’re not on the hospitality committee)? You bet. Leading a table group through the lesson questions or discussion points? Sure. Ministry is all of this and so much more!

It’s “having eyes to see and ears to hear” (Matthew 13:16). Need to offer your contact information so you can personally pray with someone later in the week? Ministry. Need to share some painful trial from your past He’s helped you with so the person before you realizes they are not struggling alone? Ministry. Do you need to get with others in your class to take up a secret love offering to help someone struggling financially? You guessed it. Ministry.

It’s about letting the Master Stonemason refine your edges so that your stone fits perfectly. It’s also about us helping our fellow stones do the same. It’s about connecting with and to your fellow stones in a way that the whole house is built up. It means trying to be the best “chip off the old block” you can be—a real, genuine living stone…and all of us can do that, can’t we?

Author Bio

Randy Horton

First Dallas Sunday School Teacher

Randy Horton is a history professor at Tarrant County College and serves as a mentor in the College Ministry and is the High School Bible Drill Coach. He and his wife Shannan have been married 28 years and have four children. They have been members of First Dallas since 2012, serving in Adult Choir, Bible Drill, Student Choir, and Youth Ministry.