Women's Devotional | Letters to the Generations - Day 1

Letter to the Women’s Ministry

By Pam Brewer

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!” ~ Ephesians 3:20-21

To the Ones Who Have Taught Me to Love,

Here we are! The world has revolved another year, and the HeartStrong Conference is only two weeks away. My goodness, how far we have come and how much we have learned in these years of HeartStrong! It has become the gift we give ourselves and those we care about, and it never disappoints.

Looking back, I think of many of you who have worshiped with me, prayed with me, listened with me, and served with me at HeartStrong. We have worked hard and played hard, and I have to tell you that I wouldn’t change a thing! Just knowing that we will be together again gives me goosebumps because God will be there with us again, and I know He will show up with power and compassion, just like He always has.

It is such a privilege to serve you as I serve Him through HeartStrong. What a joy and blessing each of you has become for me. Knowing this, it scares me to think about the day I almost said “no thanks” to the greatest opportunity God had ever offered me.

I remember the day I got the call. “Would you consider taking the position of Women’s Ministry Director?” Immediately following was my first reactionary question, “Um, isn’t that full-time? I don’t do it full-time.” To which the minister responded, “Would you pray about it for a few days?” Then, BOOM! It was out of my hands and in the hands of God, whom I love and serve.

Since that day in 2005, I have experienced all the ups and downs, the ins and outs, and twists and turns of ministering to women of all ages, seasons, and circumstances of life. To be honest, I can’t think of much I’ve taught them, but I can think of many things they have taught me. So, on this Valentine’s Day, I would love to share with you a few of the things you, my loving friends, have taught me through the Women’s Ministry.

You have taught me that mercy is a beautiful thing. When we recognize the Lord has shown us His mercy, we respond by mercifully forgiving, compassionately caring, and encouraging one another, and we see the beauty of God in relationships.

You have taught me that the Christian walk is not easy, but it is most rewarding. No matter your age or stage of life, I have seen you in adversity, and you taught me grace. I have seen you grieving, and you taught me peace. I have seen you in need, and you taught me how to wait on the Lord.

You taught me how to dive deeply into God’s Word and find Him in the most surprising places. You taught me to love studying Scripture, and you have given me a place to share my burdens and find the answers.

And finally, through your faithful attendance to HeartStrong, you taught me that taking time for my own spiritual refreshment makes me a better person, one who can find God in everyday life and show others the way to His peace.

So thank you, girls. Thank you for being the very image of God to me, showing me the way to peace. Together, we found the answers when we needed them most, and we have learned to live a life of joy and laughter no matter our circumstances.

If you’re reading this and thinking that you’re missing some of these things in your life, then you have come to the perfect place. Come to HeartStrong! Give yourself the gift of time and invest in a few hours of purposeful worship, prayer, and trustworthy Bible teaching, and meet the very girls that I have spoken about here. We are waiting for you; we want to know you. So, take that step toward finding a way to fill your empty places.

This year our theme is “Immeasurably More.” God can do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine in our friendships, relationships, marriages, and lives. My prayer echoes that of Paul’s in Ephesians 3:17-19, that “Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.” Come experience the love of Christ and the goodness of the godly community at HeartStrong. I’ll see you soon.

Love, Pam Brewer, the Director of Women’s Ministry

Questions for Thought

  1. How has a godly community impacted your life? If you’ve never experienced a godly community, where can you go to find it?
  2. Have you attended the HeartStrong conference before? If so, what was your experience like?

Daily Challenge

Call that sister, daughter, friend, or acquaintance that first comes to your mind. Make plans to attend HeartStrong ’23 together, and begin to expect “Immeasurably More” than you could ever think or ask. I’ll be there, waiting to hear how God got you there!

Author Bio

Pam Brewer

Pam is passionate about representing the women of the church and equipping them for ministry to one another, encouraging them in their own discipleship to expand the kingdom of God. She and her husband, David, have two children, Ben and Natalie, and four grandsons.